
来源 :中国石油和化工经济分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangfei871010
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尽管有经济制裁和资源控制,2012年世界油气工业依然在坚守与创新中取得不俗表现。2013年全球经济形势不会完全跳出危机的阴霾,经济危机的负面影响还将延续,高失业率与低增长依然困扰发达国家,发展中国家经济增长减缓。由此预期世界油气储产量保持小幅增长,油气供应结构将出现中心的变化,非常规油气、海洋油气受资源国政府和石油公司重视程度进一步提升,低碳发展模式成为油气行业共同选择。与此同时,围绕资源问题展开的对峙和斗争依然会延续,给世人带来更多的悬念。 Despite the economic sanctions and resource controls, the world oil and gas industry in 2012 still managed to maintain its good performance in innovation. The global economic situation in 2013 will not completely out of the shadow of the crisis. The negative impact of the economic crisis will continue. High unemployment and low growth continue to plague developed countries and the economic growth in developing countries is slowing down. Therefore, it is expected that the world oil and gas reserves will maintain a slight increase and the structure of oil and gas supply will change from center to center. The unconventional oil and gas and marine oil and gas will be further emphasized by the governments of resource countries and oil companies, and the low-carbon development mode has become the common choice of the oil and gas industry. At the same time, the stand-off and struggle on the issue of resources will continue and bring more suspense to the world.
一些研究发现 ,患有糖尿病的绝经期妇女冠心病死亡率比年龄相匹配的无糖尿病者高出2倍 ,其冠心病发病率增高的原因之一是脂蛋白代谢异常。在无糖尿病的妇女中 ,长期雌激素替
Objective: To describe delivery-related complications and postpartum morbidity of women living in slum areas of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Method: From November 1993 to
中华医学会糖尿病学分会第二届足病学组成立大会及糖尿病足培训班于 2 0 0 2年 5月在北京举行。糖尿病学分会主任委员钱荣立教授宣布新的足病学组成员名单。许樟荣主任医师和
例 1 男 ,2岁 3月 ,G2 P1 ,足月顺产。患儿因尿道异常前来体检。查体 :面容无特殊 ,心、肺未见异常 ,肝未扪及。生殖器检查 :阴茎弯曲 ,尿道开口于阴茎中部 ,睾丸已降入阴囊
糖尿病患者足部溃疡不愈是导致足或下肢截肢的常见原因。电流可促进骨折愈合、纤维母细胞迁移、抗感染、动物模型伤口愈合、糖尿病患者足部血流增加 ,因此研究者认为电刺激对
Xi Si Ji Yuan Graveyard and Cheng Guan Liang Ku Graveyard are respectively located at the second tableland of west and middle part of the mountain,north of Luon