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针对某单位平衡计量桶不准的缺陷 ,阐述了平衡计量桶在设计中几个主要参数Δh/h ,Φ ,S对流量的影响。通过改造 ,平衡计量桶达到了稳流的目的 Aiming at the defect that a certain unit is not allowed to balance the measuring bucket, the influence of several main parameters Δh / h, Φ, S on the flow of the measuring bucket is described. Through the transformation, balance metering drum reached the purpose of steady flow
一批新兴本土GP正在印尼崛起,摩拳擦掌之声响彻东南亚。但是,笑到最后者又能有几何?今年年初,约15家组合基金LP空降雅加达,先后对一家名为Northstar Pacific Partners的机构
Desulfurization of Ni pyrrhotite by steam in the microwave field was studied. According to the experimental data, the desulfurization rate by microwave heating
This paper aims to interpret Faulkner’ s Forest Triology in the perspective of postcolonial eeoeritieisra and focuses on the relationship among the white settl
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目的:以反相高效液相外标法测定小鼠肿瘤组织内洛莫司汀的含量。方法:应用乙腈-水(54:46)为流动相,在C18(5um)色谱柱上进行测定。结果:洛莫司汀的检测线性范围为0.98~15,68ug/ml,r=0.9 999。回收率为68.64%(n=9)RSD为0.32%。结论:本法简便、快
介绍了格拉默西氧化铝冶炼厂概况、爆炸事故情况、原因以及重建计划和进展。 An overview of the Gramercy alumina smelter, the circumstances of the explosion, its cau