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周代狱讼模式或制度在西周以前的狱讼模式基础上发展而来,故而关于后者的考察对于认识前者具有较大意义。太史公在《史记》中记载的虞、芮之讼是目前进行这种考察的几乎唯一可靠依据。据此,商周之际,华夏地区已产生“邦”这样的政治体。“邦”建立相对完善的机构,并且可对人实施赏罚。然而,人们在发生争端之后可以自由选择裁决者,他们采取长期以来行之有效的做法和原则作为裁决依据的可能性较大。 The model or system of jailing in the Zhou dynasty developed on the basis of the jail litigation mode before the Western Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, the investigation of the latter is of great significance for understanding the former. Taishi Gong recorded in the “Historical Records” of Yu, Rui's suit is currently the only reliable basis for such an inspection. Accordingly, on the occasion of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, a political body such as “Bang” has been produced in the Huaxia area. “State ” to establish a relatively complete body, and people can be implemented reward and punishment. However, people are free to choose their own arbiter after a dispute has taken place, and they are more likely to base their rulings on the long-held proven practices and principles.
在未来10~15年的时间里,轻武器在战争中将起什么作用?如何解决定位问题?这关系到轻武器的发展方向。 研究轻武器的定位问题,应当对其历史、现状、发展动因等进行深入研究,弄
检测各型乙型肝炎患者血清一氧化氮 (NO) ,谷丙转氨酶 (ALT)和血浆白蛋白 (ALB)含量的变化。收集各型乙型肝炎和肝炎后肝硬化患者及健康者血清作为对照 ,用NO试剂盒检测血清N
AIM:To study the modulating effect of GdCl_3 and AngelicaSinensis polysaccharides (ASP) on differentially expressedgenes in liver of hepatic immunological mice
AIM:To investigate the role of nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB)inhibitor caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) in theproliferation,collagen synthesis and apoptosis of h
患者男, 49岁,因“反复头痛 2年,加重 1月余,伴左手足乏力,说话不清半月于 1999年 12月 14日以“颅内肿瘤”入院。查体:无皮疹,心肺 (- ),左上肢肌力Ⅳ级,下肢Ⅲ级,右嘴角歪斜,左侧巴氏征