
来源 :四川预算与会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juyuyong
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新的《事业单位会计制度》于今年1月1日正式实施,顺利实现了与国际会计制度接轨。这次预算会计制度改革的基本精神,在于重新划分预算会计体系,确立会计核算的一般原则,统一记帐方法,重新确定会计要素,改变平衡公式,改革会计科目和会计报表。这对适 The new “Institutional Accounting System” was formally implemented on January 1 this year, successfully achieving the integration with the international accounting system. The basic spirit of this reform of the budget accounting system lies in the redrawing of the budget accounting system, the establishment of the general principles of accounting, unification of accounting methods, the redefinition of accounting elements, the modification of balance formulas, the reform of accounting subjects and accounting statements. This is right
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) with 20 nm outer diameter were prepared by chemical vapor deposition of ethylene using ultrafine surface-modified acicular
Purpose: To discuss the problems arising from hierarchical cluster analysis of co-occurrence matrices in SPSS, and the corresponding solutions.Design/methodolog
The imprinted polymeric film was synthesized on the glass-carbon electrodes directly. The response to the template molecule-dopamine and other molecules with si
单电子纳米碳管晶体管是用一个单独的纳米碳管为原料 ,利用原子作用力 ,显微镜的尖端在碳管里制造带扣状的锐利弯曲 ,这些带扣的作用如同屏障 ,只允许单独的电子在一定电压下
美国专利US6274868(2001年8月14日公布)本发明提供一种前视红外成套设备,它由光学部 件和相关的部件组成,这种前视红外成套设备既可以用于导航又可以用于目标瞄准。其所用部