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应用辊轧急冷技术制备宽3-5mm、厚30-50μm连续的非晶带材,其成份为(Fe80Ni20)80-xSixB14(X=4、6、8、12、16),用X-衍射方法检验了材料为非晶态,用磁天平法确定材料的居里温度(Tc)和饱和磁化强度(Ms)。用差热分析法确定了材料的晶化温度(Tcr)。应用X-衍射法研究材料的晶化过程,经研究发现:1.在(Fe80Ni20)80-xSixB14非晶合金中,随Si含量的增加,Tcr增加而Tc下降。2.在所研究的合金中从非晶态到晶态的转变过程中,除发现两个较强的亚稳相外,尚存在一个较弱的第三亚稳相。3.Si含量对非品晶化过程行为有较复杂的影响,五种样品在高温时析出相分别为:(Fe80Ni20)82Si4B14:Fe55Ni45+α-Fe+Fe2B (Fe80Ni20)80Si6B14:Fe65Ni45+α-Fe+Fe2B+复杂立力相(α=6.14A) (Fe80Ni20)78Si6B14:Fe55Ni45+α-Fe+Fe2B+复杂立方相(a=6.14A) (Fe80Ni20)74Si12B14:Fe56Ni45+α-Fe+复杂立方相(a==6.14A) (Fe80Ni20)70Si16B14:复杂立方相a=6.14A+体心立方相(a=2.83A) 4.在本文研究的合金中最高居里温度Te=475℃,最高晶化温度Tcr=508℃,最大的饱和磁化强度Ms=147.73emu/g。 5.通过对合金相变过程的研究可以看出,由于Si的加入可推迟面心立方相大量析出的温度而对体心立方相的析出温度影响不大。 An amorphous strip with a width of 3-5mm and a thickness of 30-50μm was prepared by using a roll quenching technique and the composition was (Fe80Ni20) 80-xSixB14 (X = 4,6,8,12,16) The material was examined as amorphous, and the Curie temperature (Tc) and saturation magnetization (Ms) of the material were determined by the magnetic balance method. The crystallization temperature (Tcr) of the material was determined by differential thermal analysis. X-ray diffraction method to study the crystallization process, the study found: 1. In (Fe80Ni20) 80-xSixB14 amorphous alloy, with the increase of Si content, Tcr increases and Tc decreases. 2. In the transition from amorphous to crystalline states in the investigated alloys, there is a weaker third metastable phase in addition to the two stronger metastable phases. 3. The Si content has a more complex effect on the non-crystallization process. The precipitated phases of the five samples are: (Fe80Ni20) 82Si4B14: Fe55Ni45 + α-Fe + Fe2B (Fe80Ni20) 80Si6B14: Fe65Ni45 + α-Fe + Fe2B + (Α = 6.14A) (Fe80Ni20) 78Si6B14: Fe55Ni45 + α-Fe + Fe2B + complex cubic phase (a = 6.14A) (Fe80Ni20) 74Si12B14: Fe56Ni45 + α-Fe + 6.14A) (Fe80Ni20) 70Si16B14: complex cubic phase a = 6.14A + body-centered cubic phase (a = 2.83A) 4. The highest Curie temperature Te = 475 ℃, the highest crystallization temperature Tcr = 508 ℃ and the maximum saturation magnetization Ms = 147.73 emu / g in the alloy studied in this paper. 5. Through the study of the phase transition of alloy, it can be seen that the temperature of bulk precipitation of face-centered cubic phase can be postponed due to the addition of Si, which has little effect on the precipitation temperature of body-centered cubic phase.
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