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《破产法》自1986年问世8年,走过了一个马鞍形的运行轨迹。随着社会主义市场经济理论的确立,建立现代企业制度已成为企业改革的方向,面对日益激烈的市场竞争,优化企业资本结构,建立企业的破产淘汰机制已势在必行。近两年来破产案件急剧上升,决定着《破产法》长期束之高阁的状态必须迅速改变。明年的改革重点将是微观领域的企业改革,破产是其中主要内容之一。在这种新形势下,《破产法》已显示出种种不相适应。 来自全国人大的消息表明,人大财经委重新起草《破产法》的工作正在紧锣密鼓地进行着。今年4月,全国人大委托四川和辽宁两省人大财经委为新的《破产法》提供草稿。目前这两个省的草稿都已提交全国人大,人大财经委将在此基础上加紧起草工作,争取明年全国人大第三次会议后尽快出台新破产法。那么现行《破产法》究竟有哪些局限?新法新在何处?日前,记者带着这些问题访问了《企业破产法(草案)》四川起草组的专家、学者。 The Bankruptcy Law, which came out eight centuries since 1986, passed a saddle-shaped track. With the establishment of the socialist market economy theory, the establishment of a modern enterprise system has become the direction of enterprise reform. Facing the increasingly fierce market competition, it is imperative to optimize the capital structure and establish a bankruptcy elimination mechanism. The sharp rise in bankruptcy cases in the past two years has determined that the long-term “bankruptcy law” must be shelved in a rapidly changing state. Next year’s reform will focus on the reform of the micro-enterprise sector, bankruptcy is one of the main elements. Under this new situation, the Bankruptcy Law has shown a wide range of incompatibilities. The news from the NPC indicates that the work of the NPC Financial and Economic Committee to redraft the Bankruptcy Law is in full swing. In April this year, the National People’s Congress commissioned the Financial and Economic Committee of the NPCs of Sichuan and Liaoning Provinces to provide the draft for the new Bankruptcy Law. At present, the drafts of the two provinces have been submitted to the NPC. On the basis of this, the Financial and Economic Committee of the NPC will step up drafting work and strive to introduce a new bankruptcy law as soon as possible after the third NPC meeting next year. So what are the limitations of the current Bankruptcy Law? Where is the new law? Recently, with these questions, the reporter visited experts and scholars of the Sichuan Drafting Group of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law (Draft).
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