
来源 :中学课程辅导(初二版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buyaowenwo123456
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托盘天平(以下简称天平)是实验室里测量质量的常用工具,是初中学生接触的第一个精密仪器,教学中必须请学生注意,要十分严格遵守操作规程,认真仔细地操作,培养学生科学的实验态度和良好习惯. 然而实验操作中,学生往往由于操作不规范等原因,而使测量值出现偏大或偏小的现象. 1.由未调节横梁平衡产生的:天平使用前,应进行横梁平衡调节,如果未进行横粱平衡调节,指针偏在刻度盘左边,则测量值偏大,当指针偏在刻度盘右边, The tray balance (hereinafter referred to as the balance) is a commonly used tool for measuring quality in the laboratory and is the first precision instrument contacted by junior high school students. Students must be required to pay attention to the teaching. They must strictly observe the operating procedures, carefully and carefully operate, and cultivate student science. The experiment attitude and good habits. However, in the experimental operation, the students often cause the measurement value to appear too large or too small because of non-standard operation. 1. It is caused by the balance of unadjusted crosshead: Before the balance is used, it should be performed. Beam balance adjustment, if the balance is not adjusted, the pointer is on the left side of the dial, the measured value is too large, when the pointer is on the right side of the dial,
在福州,早市,一老太太很自然地弯腰拿其买好装好的一把葱,正要走,被卖菜的老头长声叫住:“麻烦把韭菜留下来!”老太太先是听不见,老头懒得客气了:“你拿走了我的韭菜!”老 I
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