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注重调查研究,是邓小平同志一贯倡导的思想,也是坚持实事求是的基本前提.作为基层领导干部来讲,如何掌握调查研究这门学问以提高解决问题的能力,是当前在部队基层建设中的一个急需解决课题.置身于官兵中间是搞好调查研究的先决条件.注重调查研究是感知和了解事物的重要手段和最佳途径.基层领导干部把身子沉下去置身于官兵中间进行调查研究,在客观上有很多优势和便利,但在实际工作中,应特别注意和纠正以下几种认识上偏差.一是身在基层而忽视调查研究.基层领导干部在部队建设的第一线,在工作和生活中与部队官兵朝夕相见,由此,有的往往以身的距离衡量心的距离,认为身在基层不需要沉下去进行调查研究.二是工作繁忙替代调查研究.在基层领导岗位上任务重、责任大,既要认真领会上级的指示、命令和意图,又要通盘考虑和抓好基层各项工作的落实,工作相对繁忙一些,常常以日常工作和事务来代替调查.三是走走转转,不作深入调查研究.客观地说,基层领导干部勤到基层的不同方向走走转转,也不失为一种深入实际、了解情况的好方法,但这种方法毕竟存在着对事情的了解不深、不全、不细的问题,易于陷入片面的认识.在实际工作中,摒弃上述思想认识,我们有过成功的经 Paying attention to investigation and study is the thought that Comrade Deng Xiaoping has consistently advocated and also the basic premise of adhering to the principle of seeking truth from facts.As a leading cadre at the grassroots level, it is an urgent need to grasp the capability of investigating and researching this knowledge to solve the problem. Solve the problem.Located in the middle of officers and soldiers is a prerequisite for a good investigation and research.Study on the investigation is an important means and the best way to perceive and understand things.Lead cadres at the grassroots level to sit down in the middle of the officers and men to conduct research, objectively There are many advantages and conveniences, but in actual work, special attention should be paid to and correct the following differences in understanding: First, at the grassroots level and neglect of investigation and research. The leading cadres at the grassroots level in the military construction at work and in life And military officers and men meet with each other, therefore, some often measure the distance from the heart distance, that in the grassroots do not need to sank down the investigation and study .Second, instead of busy research and research work in the grass-roots leadership positions, heavy tasks, It is necessary to earnestly understand the instructions, orders and intentions of superiors, as well as the overall consideration and grasping of various tasks at the grass-roots level Implementation, the work is relatively busy some, often with daily work and business to replace the investigation .Third, walk around, do not make in-depth investigation and research.Objectively speaking, grass-roots cadres at different levels of ground to go around, but also a However, this method, after all, has problems of not knowing what is deep, not complete and not fine, and it is easy to fall into one-sided understanding. In practical work, we abandon the above-mentioned ideological understanding and we have had Succeeding
骑着皎皎白驹穿越诗经的国度  在到达诗经之前  诗经其实是躺在我的呼吸中  二月仿佛早了些  在河之洲还有些凄凉  雎鸠、渔灯添着些许古香古色  骑上我的皎皎白驹  诗经,我来了  当马蹄叩着山野、流云、溪水  每一声都激烈,悲壮  都诉说着满坡装不完的心事  吹着旷野的微风,荇菜摇曳  溅起的雾岚,卷耳丛中的女子  鼓瑟吹笙的琴音,耳脉袅绕的余音  在诗经的山谷,唱响纵我不往的歌乐?  新嫁的新
解剖学  口罩隔绝了一些寒暄的句子。它们肉体  敏感。白色的医生顺着默默积蓄的力道。剖开粘膜  有一位研究生练习素描。从南部水天一色的浓雾里  追踪石膏人像的每副骨架。有一些陶瓷瓦罐缺乏个性  躺在塑料床的女人。她器官易碎  胃里的词语是诗歌的诱因。她不停顿地哭泣。(口齿  呈赭石色。眼神里有一份男人的骨灰。一串银行卡  密码。上颚右侧有一道微光。玩笑。笔记。囫囵咽下  的戒指。)流星划过肌肤。一
零点街头  有人睡了,有人已经开始做梦  零点的山丹小城,一群羊  紧贴着我们的身体,淬火去了  我们坐在夜色里,除了霓光  什么也看不清楚  羊头和羊蹄端上桌来,草场的空气  似乎还保留着新鲜的体温  像一个熟人,在我旁边的椅子上坐下来  端起酒杯,用手指轻叩着桌面  一只羊的整个身体都在夜色里轻轻晃动  花儿里唱的妹妹还没有出现  畅饮者,继续干杯  街头台阶上缩小的江湖,零点  那一刻的黑暗
低声部  跳进我耳朵里的有花衬衫、连衣裙们  窸窸窣窣的声音,  还有直发、卷发们点头摇头的大声喧哗,  她们杂乱拥挤,七嘴八舌,  随意堆放在我的办公室,  或站立,或坐下,或来回走动。  这些声音,带来不同的街区、门牌号  和她们的职业身份。  她们排练着各种角色——  同居,暴力,无业,家庭全职主妇,  扮演着孤独抑郁,痛苦愤怒,  甚至精神分裂。  我不是修复这些声音的行家,  我的能力,