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高效课堂是体现素质教育价值理念的教育模式,科学地对学生进行分组是高效课堂的关键,在分组教学中,教师要从有利于加强管理,有利于增进学生团结,增强学生主动的角度理解和把握分组的意义,增强教育教学的思想自觉和行动自觉。在分组层次上要坚持体现搭配性,人数上要体现合理性,调整上要体现客观性,分工上体现特质性,强化分组落实教育目标的针对性和实效性。在分组管理上要注重抓好考核评价、导学规划、课堂展示、检测反馈和总结归纳方面的管理,通过有效管理不断提高教育教学质量和效率。 Efficient classroom is a model of education embodying the concept of quality education value. Scientifically dividing students into groups is the key to efficient classroom. In group teaching, teachers should understand and improve the teaching of students from the point of view of strengthening management, promoting student solidarity and enhancing students’ initiative Grasp the significance of grouping and enhance the consciousness and action of education and teaching. At the group level, we should adhere to reflect the collocation, the number should reflect the rationality, the adjustment should reflect the objectivity, the division of labor to reflect the nature of the group to strengthen the implementation of the targeted education and effectiveness. In the group management should pay attention to appraisal, guide planning, classroom display, feedback and summarize the management of the survey, through effective management of continuous improvement of education and teaching quality and efficiency.
AIM: To investigate the prevalence of giardiasis in patients with dyspeptic symptoms. METHODS: Clinical records of consecutive patients who attended Gastroenter
一、由来与意义 “中国生产率理论、测算与对策研究”课题是“八五”哲学社会科学重点课题,它是继中国、美国、日本三国学者合作研究“中、美、日生产率与经济增长”之后,由
AIM: To examine the histological and immunohistochemical findings of biopsy specimens taken from the major duodenal papilla of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) pat