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市场有三层含义,由低到高分别是指商品交换场所、商品交换过程中所反映的各种经济关系的总和以及市场经济体制。这种高低层次关系不仅是就概念逻辑而言的,也反映了市场建设实践发展逻辑。只有在最高层次的市场经济体制下,较低层次的商品交换场所才能有充分的发展。 “图书市场”的概念,在我国书业改革之初就提出来了。后来图书市场的整顿与管理得到重视,1995年初中共中央办公厅和国务院办公厅批转的《关于进一步加强和改进出版工作的报告》还明确提出出版改革要围绕培育市场、规范市场展开。然而,一个明摆着的事实是无论在理论上、政策上还是实践中,我们的“图书市场”至今仍然定位于“图书商品交换场所”的层次,局限于“图书商品流通”的范畴,不能涵盖图书产业的全部。因为这种定位的非准确性,图书市场建设被看作只是发行领域的事情。又由于书业生产资料、生产要素的供应以及整个图书生产活动不能与市场体制接轨,“图书商品市场”的培育与规范就处处受到掣肘,处于停滞不前的境地。我们认为,无论从实践的需要还是从理论的逻辑来说,都应该明确提出建立社会主义书业市场经济体制,并以此作为我国现阶段图书市场建设的最高目标。 The market has three meanings. From low to high refer to the sum of all kinds of economic relations reflected in the commodity exchange place and commodity exchange process and the market economic system. This high-level relationship is not only in terms of conceptual logic, but also reflects the logic of market development practice. Only at the highest level of market economy can there be sufficient development of lower-level exchange of goods. The concept of “book market” was put forward at the beginning of the book industry reform in our country. Later, the readjustment and management of the book market was taken seriously. At the beginning of 1995, the “Report on Further Strengthening and Improving Publishing Work” circulated by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council explicitly states that publishing reform should center on cultivating the market and regulating the market. However, one obvious fact is that our “book market” is still located at the level of “book exchange places” in theory, policy and practice, and is limited to the category of “book circulation of commodities.” It can not cover books All in the industry. Because of this inaccuracy in positioning, the book market is seen as just a matter of distribution. In addition, due to the shortage of book production, the supply of factors of production, and the entire book production activities, the cultivation and standardization of the “book commodity market” are constrained and are at a standstill. In our opinion, both from the practical needs and from the theoretical logic, we should clearly put forward the establishment of a socialist market economy in the book industry and regard it as the highest objective of building the book market in our country at this stage.
Polypyrrole(PPy) is a biocompatible polymer with good conductivity. Studies combining PPy with electrospinning have been reported; however, the associated decre
(一) 12只正常猴子平均呼吸頻率为46次/分,心跳为227次/分,收縮壓/舒張壓为155/12s毫米汞柱,體溫为39.0℃。平均紅血球5.3百萬/立方毫米,白血球15.7千/立方毫米,其中淋巴球50
直肠癌手术常常会造成患者(尤其是男性患者)排尿及性功能障碍,从而影响其生活质量.我院1998年8月至2002年8月对152例中下段直肠癌患者实施保留盆腔自主神经(pelvic autonomic nerve preservation,PANP)的直肠癌根治术,其中139例随访3年以上,现将临床观察结果报告如下。