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2006年3月10日-19日,“首届海外华文书市”将在新加坡博览中心隆重举行,此举立即得到华文业界的响应,仅大陆报名已超过百人。相信,六地书业业者聚集狮城共襄盛举,将推动华文图书闯出一片新天地。作为主办方之一的新加坡大众控股集团,是此次书市的发起者、推动者。首届海外华文书市的举办,更是得益于大众集团庞大的网络以及对华文图书市场的透悉。在首届海外华文书市的帷幕即将拉开之际,本刊采访了新加坡大众控股集团的执行董事黄娴女士。 From March 10 to March 19, 2006, the “First Overseas Chinese Book Market” will be held at the Singapore Expo Center. This response will be immediately received by the Chinese industry. Only mainland applicants have already surpassed 100 applicants. Believe that the six book industry gathered in Lion City, a grand gathering, will promote Chinese books break a new world. As one of the organizers of Singapore Volkswagen Holdings Group, is the initiator of the book market promoter. The holding of the first overseas Chinese language book market benefited from the huge network of the mass general public as well as its knowledge of the Chinese language book market. As the curtain of the first overseas Chinese book market is approaching, the magazine interviewed Ms. Huang Xian, an executive director of Singapore Volkswagen Holding Group.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
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艺术教育有利于个体素质的陶冶与塑造,促进受教个体素质的全面协调发展,对道德素质的改善和提高起到潜移默化的作用,并具有不可替代性。 Art education is conducive to the