第三讲 要身体力行共产主义道德

来源 :共产党员 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:charlehc1986
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道德是以善恶、荣辱等观念为标准,通过社会舆论、传统习惯和内心信念来评价人们的行为,调整人与人之间以及个人与社会之间关系的原则和规范的总和。它是社会意识形态的一个重要方面,是上层建筑的重要组成部分。由于我国处于社会主义初级阶段,实行以公有制为主体的多种经济形式、以按劳分配为主体的多种分配方式。因此,全民范围的道德建设不能只有一个标准,而应当形成不同层次的要求。但是,社会主义的道德建设应当是积极向上的,党的十四届六中全会《决议》指出:“应当在全社会认真提倡社会主义、共产主义思想道德。”对于共产党员来说,在道德建设方面应当有更高的要求,更要身体力行共产主义道德,做遵守共产主义道德的模范。 Morality is based on the concepts of good and evil, honor and disgrace as the standard, through social public opinion, traditional habits and inner beliefs to evaluate people’s behavior and adjust the sum of the principles and norms of the relationship between people and between individuals and society. It is an important aspect of social ideology and an important part of the superstructure. Since our country is in the primary stage of socialism, we have implemented various forms of distribution that take public ownership as the mainstay and diversified distributions that are mainly distributed according to work. Therefore, ethical construction in the entire people should not have only one standard, but should form different levels of requirements. However, the moral construction of socialism should be positive and progressive. The “Resolution” of the 6th Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party states: “Socialism and communist ideology and morality should be seriously promoted throughout the society.” For Communists, There should be higher requirements in construction and more efforts should be made to practice communist morality and be exemplary of abiding by communist moral standards.
编辑同志: 我的孩子今年快6岁了。我爱人平时出去串门,总爱把孩子带在身边。我怕孩子常到别人家去玩野了,又怕他不懂事麻烦人家。请问,家长带孩子串门好不好! 四川卜小莉卜
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