Brief analysis of developing the intercultural communicative competence in secondary vocational Busi

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  【Abstract】With the rapid progress of economic globalization tide, English teaching in secondary vocational school is no longer limit to basic proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. To cultivate high qualified talents, Inter-cultural communication, as a proficiency skill in English learning, becomes the key point of Business English teaching. Language is the major medium of cultural transmission. So Business English teaching should be covered with cultural education and language skills. Teachers should pay more attention to the cultivation of communicative ability which can help students apply the languages properly.
  【Key words】Intercultural communicative competence; Business English teaching
  1. The concept of Inter-cultural communication
  Inter-cultural communication is a communication between the native speakers and non-native speakers. Since different nationalities live in different culture, environment and customs, different languages produce different language habits. During the communication, people are used to comprehending other languages because of their inherent habits. It may cause misunderstanding or contradiction. By studying Inter-cultural communication, students can pay more attention to the difference between Chinese and foreign languages. Also, they can learn to know how to deal with foreigners properly, decently and politely.
  Improving students’ ability of intercultural communication is the core training objectives of the Business English major. As the secondary vocational school students, Inter-cultural communication will encourage them to understand the business communication in diverse perspectives.
  2. Application of Inter-cultural communication in Vocational Business English teaching
  As we know, most of the vocational students have a vague impression of foreign customs and etiquette. At present, most of the Business English teaching methods in vocational school separate the English learning and business knowledge. The traditional teaching modes only focus on language learning. Most of the Inter-cultural communication in English teaching are placed emphasis on several aspects as below.
  2.1 Salutation
  There’re quite different between China and other countries in salutation. In China, causal chatting always begins like, “Where’re you going” or “Have you had lunch”. Chinese think these kinds of salutation show their hospitable, while foreigners think them as gossip. In most of the western countries, people always begin their chatting by talking about the weather or just say hi.   2.2 Privacy
  We can easily find some dialogues like “How old are you?” or “How many members are there in your family?” in some English books. In China, conversation may refer to the privacy. Chinese treat it as a way of enhancing friendship and understanding. But in foreign countries, age, salary, marriage, religion, state of health and so on are considered as privacy. In foreign countries, people show great respect to one’s privacy.
  2.3 Idiom and slang
  As we know, idiom and slang are always local and colloquial. Moreover, some of the idiom and slang have little or none relevant to literal meaning. For example, “You’re a lucky dog” means “You’re lucky” in English. In foreign countries, dog represents a loyal friend of human. However, in Chinese, dog always has negative connotation.
  2.4 Knowledge of politics, economics, and business culture in foreign countries
  Because of the diversified social culture, different political institution and economics background, people have variant cognition and comprehend in different things, which make the business negotiations become more complicated. Most of the foreigners are accustomed to planning schedule, and they will stick to their schedule. If you’re in German, Germany will ask you to arrive ahead of the meeting. But if Malaysian tells they will be late for five minutes, it means that, they will be late for an hour. In some countries, being late is acceptable, and you don’t need to apologize for being late.
  3. The development of Inter-cultural communication in Vocational Business English teaching
  Here we will take some examples to show how to achieve the goal of teaching covered with cultural education and language skills. In the book of “English” (Basic module 3, Version No.2), published by Higher Education Press, Unit 1, “He decided to have a big Christmas party” will be taken as an example in the following.
  3.1 Set up Pre-class tasks
  Students are supposed to preview the content of this unit. According to the subject of this unit, teachers can assign some pre-class tasks to the students. Take “Festival” as an example, students can collect some material about “Festival”, and find out the difference between Chinese and Western. By previewing before the class, students can have a better understanding of “Festival”, and their interest of learning will be stimulated. Furthermore, students can learn to study knowledge actively and consciously.   3.2 Extend and contrast the teaching material
  Teachers can add more Inter-cultural knowledge in class. For example, when we’re talking about the festival or some foreign culture, we can contrast the difference between Chinese and Western so that students can deepen their understanding of foreign cultural background. Students can share what they’ve learned about the festival with classmates in class.
  3.3 Build business situation
  What we did above is to help students learn about the knowledge better and wider their horizon. Because of these, we can create some business tasks and ask students to finish the business practice. For example, you’re a new clerk of a trade company, and you’re asked to select a gift to your customer Tomas for appreciating his great help and support. Teachers can set a situation, ask students to finish the tasks and have a presentation in class.
  3.4 Summarize topics
  After the pre-class tasks, situational practice, and presentation, teachers should summarize and emphasize the key parts and difficult points of this lesson or this topic. At the same time, students should pay more attention to etiquette during the inter-cultural communication. For instance, when you’re doing business with foreign customers, you’d better know how to greet and shake hands, how to give and receive name cards and so no.
  4. Conclusion
  Mr Wang Zuoliang, a well-known English professor, once said that, “No one can master language if you don’t comprehend the culture in the language”. Language is a carrier of communication. The aim of secondary vocational Business English teaching is to develop students’ language application competence, so that they can communicate with different people with different cultural background properly. Only in these ways can improve students’ English application competence and link the theory with practice. Having a competence of intercultural communication, students can be more competitive in job market and have further self-development.
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  [2]William B.Gudykunst.Cross-cultural and Intercultural Communication[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2007.
【摘要】面对经济全球化的挑战和国际战略化的需求,国家要求高校实行教育转型,培养国际化应用型人才。目前我国高校英语教学普遍存在“重应试、轻应用”的问题。在高校转型的背景下,大学英语教学必须由通用英语教学向专业英语教学转变,以落实国家提出的“提高大学生的专业英语水平和直接使用英语从事科研的能力”的要求。  【关键词】高校转型;大学英语;教学改革  【作者简介】曹仁松(1971- ),女,汉族,山东烟台
【摘要】高职英语教学的目的在于培养学生的语言表达和应用能力,而写作能力作为学生语言综合能力的重要体现,是高职英语教学的一项重要内容。然而当前高职院校的学生的英文写作水平不容乐观,在写作过程中容易出现语法结构不合理以及词汇使用错误等问题。本文就当前高职英语教学的现状进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了提高高职英语写作教学的有效策略,旨在为高职英语写作教学提供一定的借鉴和参考。  【关键词】高职英语;写作教
【摘要】学讲计划倡导学生自主学习,学进去,讲出来。其中“讲”是输出,是改变传统教学的重中之重,我从敢讲、会讲、众讲、乐讲四个方面结合自身的教学加以阐述。  【关键词】学讲计划;敢讲;会讲;众讲;乐讲  【作者简介】许浩( 1976.05-), 男,汉族,江苏睢宁人,睢宁县魏集中学 ,本科,中学一级,研究方向:英语教育教学。  学讲方式中“学”和“讲”相辅相成,相得益彰。其中“讲”是输出,是改变传统
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【Abstract】The past few decades have witnessed college students’ deficiency of critical thinking. To address this issue, this study makes a preliminary exploration of how to develop students’ critical
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【摘要】大力弘扬中国优秀传统文化,在小学英语课堂中同时渗透中西方两种文化的背景知识,是培养具有国际化视野的高素质学生的需要。广府文化是中国优秀地方传统文化,通过在广州小学英语课中渗透广府文化,让教学内容更贴近学生生活,更容易让学生产生共鸣。这样做不仅让学生在英语课中发展英语语言能力,也让他们在学习过程中认识中外文化差异,在情感上对自己生活的大广州产生极大的认同心理,为身为广州人感到骄傲自豪。  【