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4年前,38岁的他还在县委办公室耍笔杆子;4年后的他,却把一个年产值不到2000万元的雏型企业,盘成了年产值1.008亿元、销售收入9038万元、利税420万元的省系统先进企业、县三好企业,在县属企业中率先实现了年产值过亿元的大跨越;他本人也荣获县模范干部、县级企业家和二等功臣等光荣称号.他,就是湖北省石化先进企业、襄樊市燃化先进企业、宜城县大雁工业公司党委书记兼经理赵正明。 大雁公司展翅奋飞,喜越亿元“关山”,县电视台拍下《奋飞的大雁》专题片,人们都从“群雁高飞头雁领”的歌词中涌出激情,夸赵正明是一只“奋飞的头雁”。可赵正明却不认帐,他自称自己是一只“雁奴”。原来,雁奴不仅是“领队”,还要在群雁栖息时担任警戒任务,充当夜间值勤的哨兵。用现时的话讲,堪称名副其实的“公仆”。难怪金时元好问吟下了“雁奴辛苦候寒 Four years ago, he was still in the county party office at the age of 38. While four years later he put a small-sized enterprise with an annual output value of less than 20 million yuan into a profit of 100.8 million yuan and a sales revenue of 90.38 million yuan , Advanced and systematic enterprise with profit and taxation of 4.2 million yuan, and Mianyang County, the company took the lead in realizing a large leap forward in output value of over 100 million yuan in county-owned enterprises; he himself also won such honors as county model cadres, county-level entrepreneurs and second-class contributors Title, he is the advanced petrochemical enterprises in Hubei Province, Xiangfan City, burning advanced enterprises, Yicheng County Dayan Industrial Company Party Secretary and manager Zhao Zhengming. Dayan company wings to fly, more than 100 million yuan, “off Hill”, county television filming “Fengyan geese” feature films, people from the “goose Goofy Goose collar” in the lyrics pouring passion, boast Zhao Zhengming is a “ Fenfei head geese. ” But Zhao Zhengming does not recognize the account, he claimed he is a “wild goose slave.” It turned out that the wild goose is not only a “leader”, but also in the habitat when the group of geese serve as a guard task, serve as sentinel night duty. In the current words, called a veritable “public servant.” No wonder Jin Shi Yuan asked Yin Yin, "Anus slaves hard cold
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