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20年来,厦门市相继出台了一系列优惠政策,不遗余力地大量吸纳外资,外资企业在厦门市遍地开花,已成为该市经济的重要组成部分。而外国的品牌往往伴着投资而来。在厦门市的外资企业中,注册资本在4000万美元以上、名列前5名的海外投资者无不带来了自己的品牌。它们是翔鹭短纤 Over the past 20 years, Xiamen has promulgated a series of preferential policies in succession and spared no effort to attract foreign investment in large numbers. Foreign-funded enterprises have blossomed in Xiamen City and have become an important part of the economy of the city. Foreign brands are often accompanied by investment. Among the foreign-funded enterprises in Xiamen City, the registered capital is more than 40 million U.S. dollars. The top five overseas investors bring their own brands. They are Xiang Lu staple
2005281 The features of cognitive function in obsessive-compulsive disorder. ZHANG Li-xia(张丽霞), et al. Dept Psychi,West China Mental Health Center, Sichuan U
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Autocleavage assay and peptide-based cleavage assay were used to study the substratespecificity of 3CL protease from the severe acute respiratory syndrome coro
Objective:To explore the potential effects of berberine on influenza virus infection both in vitro and in vivo.Methods:In vitro anti-influenza virus assays were
吉登斯(Anthony Giddens)的结构二重性理论认为人的能动性发挥和社会结构的形成是在人们日常看起来支离破碎、司空见惯的实践活动中实现的,社会结构不仅具有制约性而且具有使