Analysis of genes differentially expressed during initial cellular dedifferentiation in cotton

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pdscyz
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The early phase of phytohormone induction is a vital stage of somatic embryogenesis. This phase includes a key process for acquiring cellular totipotency through cellular dedifferentiation. To unravel the molecular mechanism of cellular dedifferentiation in cotton, we constructed a cDNA library using the suppression subtractive hybridization method. A total of 286 differential cDNA clones were sequenced and identified. Among these clones, 112 unique ESTs were significantly up-regulated during the early phase of phytohormone induction, and 40.2% of the ESTs were first identified. GST was highly expressed from 6 to 24 h after induction with phytohormone treatment. PRPs were predominantly expressed and exhibited distinct expression patterns in different treatments, suggesting that they are closely related to cellular dedifferentiation in cotton. Putative GhSAMS, GhSAMDC, GhSAHH and GhACO3 involvement in SAM metabolism was identified in this library. The analysis of qRT-PCR showed that two remarkable increased expressions of the four SAM-related genes happened during the early phase of phytohormone induction, and that a highly positive correlation existed between GhSAMS and GhSAHH. The highest expression level of GhSAMS might be associated with its reentry into the cell cycle. The histological observations further showed that some cells accomplished cellular dedifferentiation and division within 72 h in 2,4-D treatment, and that cellular dedifferentiation might be regulated through two alterations in SAM-dependent transmethylation activity in cotton. In addition, the expression patterns of differential genes in different treatments disclosed the complicated interaction between 2, 4-D and kinetin. The early phase of phytohormone induction is a vital stage of somatic embryogenesis. This phase includes a key process for acquiring cellular totipotency through cellular dedifferentiation. To unravel the molecular mechanism of cellular dedifferentiation in cotton, we constructed a cDNA library using the suppression subtractive hybridization method A total of 286 differential cDNA clones were sequenced and identified. 112 unique ESTs were significantly up-regulated during the early phase of phytohormone induction, and 40.2% of the ESTs were first identified. GST was highly expressed from 6 to Suggesting that they are closely related to cellular dedifferentiation in cotton. Putative GhSAMS, GhSAMDC, GhSAHH and GhACO3 involvement in SAM metabolism was identified in this library The analysis of qRT-PCR showed that two remarkable increased expressions of the four SAM-related genes happened during the early phase of phytohormone induction, and that a highly positive correlation existed between GhSAMS and GhSAHH. The highest expression level of GhSAMS might be associated with its reentry into the cell cycle. observations further showed that some cellular accomplished cellular dedifferentiation and division within 72 h in 2,4-D treatment, and that cellular dedifferentiation might be regulated through two alterations in SAM-dependent transmethylation activity in cotton. In addition, the expression patterns of differential genes in different treatments discloses the complicated interaction between 2, 4-D and kinetin.
摘要: 在美术教学过程中发挥学生的想象力,对于学生创造性思维培养起着重要的作用。本文就美术教学过程中如何培养学生的想象力进行了研究。  关键词: 美术 教学 想象力 创造力    创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,培养创新人才是教育的当务之急,是21世纪教育的核心。从培养人才的角度来看,基础教育是培养合格人才的奠基工程。在加强素质教育的同时,要注重创造性思维能力的培养,使培养出来的人才具有很高的素质和丰富
在实施素质教育的今天,创设适合学生特点的教学情境,诱发学生对数学学习的兴趣,积极主动地学习,是优化课堂教学的重要手段。    一、利用教材内容,激发学生学习情感    布鲁纳说过:“学习的最好刺激乃是对所学材料的兴趣。”情感是学生后天接受教育的可塑性因素。在教学活动中,学生的情感往往是以教师引用教材中的情感因素为原动力的,而这种原动力是引起他们情绪共鸣的基础,它能激起学习高昂的情绪。数学教材本身枯
摘要: 培养学生的创新能力,使学生全面发展,形成优良个性品质,将成为检验教学成败的关键, 是整个教育体系改革中的一个不可缺少的组成部分,反映了当代教育界及全社会对教育的基本要求和理念。本文就美术教学过程中如何培养学生的创新能力进行了研究。  关键词: 美术教育 创新 能力    在我国美术教学的教学大纲中对培养创新能力有明确的要求,但长期以来在美术教学实践中表现得并不突出,甚至背道而驰,将美术教育
摘要: 论文以中学美术教学为基础,针对美术学科的特点,提出提高中学美术课堂教学质量的措施。  关键词: 美术创新教学 尝试    新课程改革秉持民主、科学、开放的原则,注重学习方式的改进和指导,明确了“教师应重视对学生学习方法的研究和探索,正确引导学生以感受、观察、体验和表现以及收集美术资料等学习方法,进行自主学习与合作交流”的理念。下面作者结合平时教学实践对美术创新教学谈几点看法。    一、教
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