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新建、乐平县在党政领导的重视下,依靠互助合作组织,发动群众,结合中心工作,胜利地超额完成了今年春季造林的计划任务。新建县今春造林任务原核定为三○、七三○亩,至三月五日止,实际上已完成造林面积三二、五○三亩,超过原计划任务百分之五点三。其中杉木林一二、二五二亩,松木林一八、五○三亩。乐平县造林也已完成了二九、五○三亩,为计划任务数的百分之一○○·一七。其中杉木林为五、五三○亩,马尾松林为一八、三一一亩,油茶直播五、五五七亩,其他林木为一○五亩。新建、乐平县在今春造林中不但数量上超额完成了任务,在造林技术和造林质量上一般也有了提高。新建县一般都贯彻了「单株密植深栽紧打」和「先整地后造林」 Newly built, Leping County surpassed the planned tasks of afforestation this spring by relying on the mutual aid and cooperation organization, mobilizing the masses and combining the work of the center with the emphasis given by the party and government leaders. Xinjian County afforestation mission in spring this year, originally approved for the 30, 730 acres, as of March 5, actually completed afforestation area of ​​2302 acres, more than the original planned task of 5.3%. One of fir forest twelve, twenty-two acres, pine wood 18, 5003 acres. Leping County afforestation has also completed 29,050 mu, which is one hundred and one seven one percent of the planned number of tasks. Among them, Chinese fir forest is 5,303 mu, Masson pine forest is 18 and 3,111 mu, live tea oil is 5 and 57 mu, other trees are 1,050 mu. Newly built, Leping County in this spring not only the number of afforestation completed the task in quantity, afforestation techniques and afforestation quality generally also increased. Xinjian County has generally followed the principles of “planting dense planting and tightening” and “afforestation after land preparation”
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