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目的总结血管介入联合经皮固化治疗儿童干骺端骨囊肿的远期随访结果,探讨其治疗儿童干骺端骨囊肿的临床疗效。方法采用血管介入高选择性栓塞病灶血管联合经皮穿刺无水酒精灌洗、注射皮质类固醇固化治疗介入治疗儿童干骺端骨囊肿11例,术后1年左右进行随访并比较了手术前后病症及骨囊肿病变情况,术后6~9年再次进行随访,取健侧关节进行对比,评价术后长期疗效和患肢关节生长发育情况。结果其中10例随访6~9年,病骨破坏全部终止,骨囊肿病灶均有不同程度的骨修复,患肢生长发育与健侧对比无明显差异。结论血管介入联合经皮固化是治疗儿童干骺端骨囊肿的有效方法,其中长期随访结果良好,值得临床推广和应用。 Objective To summarize the long-term follow-up results of vascular intervention combined with percutaneous solidification in children with metaphyseal bone cysts and to explore its clinical efficacy in treating metaphyseal bone cysts in children. Methods Eleven patients with metaphyseal bone cysts in children were treated with percutaneous puncture and alcoholic perfusion with percutaneous transluminal perfusion and arterial percutaneous puncture. 11 cases were followed up for 1 year after operation and compared the preoperative and postoperative symptoms and Bone cyst lesions, after 6 to 9 years of follow-up again, take the contralateral joint contralateral to evaluate the long-term efficacy and limb growth and development of limbs. Results 10 of them were followed up for 6 to 9 years. All the lesions of the diseased bone were terminated. All the lesions of the bone cyst had different degrees of bone repair. There was no significant difference between the growth and development of the affected limbs and the contralateral. Conclusion Percutaneous vascular intervention combined with percutaneous solidification is an effective method for the treatment of metaphyseal bone cysts in children. Long-term follow-up results are good and worthy of clinical promotion and application.
在开始演讲前,先给大家看两样东西,能告诉我你们看到了什么吗?有人会说,这杯水里有沙子,也有人会说这是有沙子的一杯水。有人会说,这个面包有个洞, Can you tell me what yo
2014年11月24日,时值hauma China 2014开幕前夕,石川岛中骏(厦门)建机有限公司(以下简称“石川岛中骏”)2014年度全国经销商会议暨成立十周年庆典在上海隆重举行,33家主要经
本文报导了鲈形目(鱼叚)虎鱼科裸头(鱼叚)虎鱼属的一新种,定名为横带裸头(鱼叚)虎鱼C.transverse fasciatus。 This article reports on a new species of the genus Piranh