Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Novel Double Ladder-like Cadmium Coordination Polymer Construct

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uestchujun
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A novel double ladder-like cadmium coordination polymer with isophthalate as bridging ligands and imidazole as non-chelating capping ligands was obtained by a hydrothermal reaction.The crystal is of triclinic,space group P with a = 10.266(2),b = 11.573(2),c = 12.651(3),α = 89.95(3),β = 74.64(3),γ = 68.54(3)°,C50H44Cd4N12O18,Mr = 1550.57,V = 1341.1(5) 3,Dc = 1.920 g/cm3,F(000) = 764,μ = 1.651 cm-1 and Z = 1.The final refinement gave R = 0.0342 and wR = 0.0738 for 5925 observed reflections with I > 2σ(I).The crystal structure involves two different ladder-like chains,which are further connected to form a ladder-like double chain architecture via hydrogen bonding interactions,extending along the b axis.The weak interactions including hydrogen bonds and π-π staking interactions contribute to the alignment of the complex in the crystalline state. A novel double ladder-like cadmium coordination polymer with isophthalate as bridging ligands and imidazole as non-chelating capping ligands was obtained by a hydrothermal reaction. The crystal is of triclinic, space group P with a = 10.266 (2), b = 11.573 (2), c = 12.651 (3) , α = 89.95 (3), β = 74.64 (3), γ = 68.54 (3) °, C50H44Cd4N12O18, Mr = 1550.57, V = 1341.1 = 1.920 g / cm3, F (000) = 764, μ = 1.651 cm-1 and Z = 1. The final refinement gave R = 0.0342 and wR = 0.0738 for 5925 observed reflections with I> 2σ (I). The crystal structure involves two different ladder-like chains, which are further connected to form a ladder-like double chain architecture via hydrogen bonding interactions, extending along the b axis. weak interactions including hydrogen bonds and π-π staking interactions to the alignment of the complex in the crystalline state.
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