对采用Humphrey Matrix 24-2阈值方案的倍频技术视野检查法的临床评价

来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:originalmemory
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Aims: To evaluate performance of frequency doubling technology (FDT) perimetry using the Humphrey Matrix 24-2 thresholding program in a hospital eye service (HES) glaucoma clinic. Methods: A random sample or individuals referred consecut ively to the HES for suspected glaucoma were examined with 24-2 threshold FDT i n addition to routine clinical tests. The discriminatory power of FDTand standar d automated perimetry (SAP) were assessed using glaucomatous optic nerve head ap pearance as the reference gold standard. Results: 48 of 62 eligible referred ind ividualswere recruited. Glaucoma prevalence was 31%. Median test duration per e ye was 5 minutes 16 seconds for FDT and 5 minutes 9 seconds for SAP. There was n o significant difference (p=0.184) between proportions of individuals with relia ble test results (FDT 75%, SAP 63%). Using a clinically appropriate binary criterion for abnormal visual field, sensitivity and specificity levels were 100%and 26%respectively for FDT and 80%and 52%f or SAP. Both tests had higher negative than positive predictive values with marg inal differences between tests. Criterion free receiver operator characteristic analysis revealed minimal discriminatory power differences. Conclusions: In a HE S glaucoma clinic in which new referrals are evaluated, threshold 24-2 FDT test ing with the Humphrey Matrix has performance characteristics similar to SAP. The se findings suggest threshold testing using the FDT Matrix and SAP is comparable when the 24-2 test pattern is used. Aims: To evaluate performance of frequency doubling technology (FDT) perimetry using the Humphrey Matrix 24-2 thresholding program in a hospital eye service (HES) glaucoma clinic. Methods: A random sample or persons referred consecut ively to the HES for advanced glaucoma were examined with 24-2 threshold FDT in addition to routine clinical tests. The discriminatory power of FDTand standar d automated perimetry (SAP) were assessed using glaucomatous optic nerve head ap pearance as the reference gold standard. Results: 48 of 62 eligible referred ind ividualswere recruited. Glaucoma prevalence was 31%. Median test duration per e ye was 5 minutes 16 seconds for FDT and 5 minutes 9 seconds for SAP. There was no significant difference (p = 0.184) between proportions of individuals with relia ble test results (FDT 75%, SAP 63%). Using a clinically appropriate binary criterion for abnormal visual field, sensitivity and specificity levels were 100% and 26% respectively for FDT and 80% and 52 % f or SAP. Both tests had higher negative than positive predictive values ​​with marg inal differences between tests. Criterion free receiver operator characteristic analysis revealed minimal discriminatory power differences. Conclusions: In a HE S glaucoma clinic in which new referrals are evaluated, threshold 24 -2 FDT test ing with the Humphrey Matrix has performance similar to SAP. The se findings suggest threshold testing using the FDT Matrix and SAP is comparable when the 24-2 test pattern is used.
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