
来源 :石油企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guanghuisir
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国有企业改革问题是中国改革建设中最重大的问题之一,原来的社会主义大国苏联在国有企业问题上没搞好,这是它解体的原因之一。我们国家建立50多年,改革开放也20多年了,但迄今为止,中国的国有企业的活力、竞争力与世界上先进的国家或者先进的企业相比,差距是十分巨大的,甚至相当落后的。这是我们必须正视的现实。最近结束的“两会”也谈到这个问题,最近新上任的国务院总理温家宝也谈到这个问题,都认为是中国改革进程中的重要问题之一。但是究竟如何搞好、搞活国有企业,使国有企业具有竞争力,到目前为止,这个问题没有太好的方案,需要进一步探索。有什么样的环境就有什么样的企业一个企业能不能搞好搞活,不仅仅取决于企业内部自身的管理。企业是环境的产物,国有企业也不例外。企业也像有生命的植物、动物一样,有什么样的环境就会产出什么样的植物、动物,企业的状况和命运都受到企业生存环境的影响,深深地打上了环境的烙印。影响企业的环境有三个层次,一是宏观政策环境,二是 The reform of state-owned enterprises is one of the most significant issues in the reform and construction of China. The original great socialist country, the Soviet Union, did not do well in the issue of state-owned enterprises, which is one of the reasons for its dissolution. Since the establishment of our country for more than 50 years and the reform and opening up to the outside world for more than 20 years, so far the vitality and competitiveness of China's state-owned enterprises have been rather huge or even quite backward compared with the advanced countries or advanced enterprises in the world. This is the reality we must face squarely. The recently concluded “NPC and CPPCC” also talked about this issue. Recently, the newly appointed Premier Wen Jiabao also talked about this issue and regarded it as one of the important issues in the process of China's reform. However, exactly how to do a good job of enlivening state-owned enterprises and making state-owned enterprises competitive, so far there is no such a good solution to this issue and needs further exploration. What kind of environment there is what kind of enterprise A business can not do well, not only depends on their own internal management. Enterprises are the product of the environment, and state-owned enterprises are no exception. Enterprises like living plants, animals, like what kind of environment will produce what kind of plants, animals, business conditions and destiny are affected by the living environment of enterprises, deeply marked with the brand of the environment. Affect the business environment has three levels, one macro-policy environment, the second is
市场危机冲击公众对企业的信任,但惠氏对其去年在中国市场的两次公关危机的处理都不良于行,甚至给人留下了店大欺客的感觉。惠氏的失误堪为镜鉴。 The market crisis has hi
安眠的潜水员    4个潜水员逐一跳入海中——到了下午3点,杰伊、汉弗莱两人先浮出水面,15分钟后赫伯特也上来了;只有哈里,到了5点还没上来。  “出事了!”  3个人立刻报警,30分钟后,在岩石下发现了哈里他全身冰冷,死因是呼吸肌和心肌麻痹。  这点非常可疑。因为哈里是4人中最健康的,医生也大胆保证哈里的心脏功能极为健全,而且他死姿像睡眠一样,着实奇怪。  朗波侦探问:“这氧气筒是他自己准备的?