落实国务院《决定》精神 确保教师工资足额发放

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今年6月,国务院召开了全国基础教育工作会议,出台了《国务院关于基础教育 改革与发展的决定》,明确“县级人民政府对本地农村义务教育负有主要责任”,强调将农 村中小学教师工资的管理上收到县。这是我国农村义务教育管理体制的重大改革,必将对基 础教育特别是农村基础教育产生重大而深远的影响。近几年,拖欠农村中小学教师工资问题 成为社会热点,已经严重制约了学校教育教学工作的正常进行,影响了教师队伍的稳定和教 师素质的提高。各市、县级政府,特别是县级政府要站在“三个代表”的高度,充分认识自 己肩负的“主要责任”,采取有效措施,迅速解决拖欠农村中小学教师工资问题。值此教师 节到来之际,本刊就如何落实《决定》精神,保障农村中小学教师工资按时足额发放这一话 题,走访了部分农村中小学教师、地方政府和部门的领导。请听听他们的呼声吧! In June this year, the State Council convened a national conference on basic education and issued the “Decision of the State Council on Basic Education Reform and Development.” It clarified that “the county-level people’s government has primary responsibility for local rural compulsory education,” and stressed that rural primary and secondary school teachers Wage management receives the county. This is a major reform of China’s rural compulsory education management system, which will have a major and far-reaching impact on basic education, especially rural basic education. In recent years, the problem of arrears of teachers in primary and secondary schools in rural areas has become a social hotspot, which has severely restricted the normal conduct of school education and teaching, and has affected the stability of teachers and the improvement of the quality of teachers. The municipal and county governments, especially the county-level governments, must stand at the “three represents” level and fully understand their “primary responsibilities” and take effective measures to quickly solve the problem of wage arrears for rural primary and secondary school teachers. On the occasion of the coming of the Teacher’s Day, the journal visited the teachers of some rural primary and secondary schools, local government, and department leaders on how to implement the spirit of the “Decision” and ensure that teachers in rural primary and secondary schools are paid on time and in full. Please listen to their cries!
2009年2月9日,湖北武汉天兴洲公路铁路两用长江大桥首条货运铁路线全线铺通,为6月底通车奠定了坚实基础。天兴洲大桥共有4条铁路线,首条货运铁路 February 9, 2009, Hubei W
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