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据作者1983~1985年的资料,小儿面部(疒节)占小儿颌面部炎症总数的15.7%。男孩占55.1%,女孩占44.9%。最小年龄6星期。患儿既往史有各种感染性疾病,支气管肺炎,急性呼吸系病毒感染,渗出性素质等。面(疒节)定位,按发生频率排列:鼻部、额、唇、颊、颏、睑。定位于鼻、唇和鼻颊沟处特别危险,因为有可能沿着静脉网使感染扩散到颅内。有71.2%的病例就诊较迟,一般情况恶化,有机体中毒症状、疼痛和水肿加重;这与家庭用药,热敷不适当有关。应进行综合治疗,都必须给予适合的全身治疗,包括抗炎、抗菌、脱敏、解毒和全身强壮疗法。成人面(疒节)用紫外线照射,超高频电疗,氯乙烷冷冻加紫外线照射等,疗效很好。但不适用于小儿,因小儿不配合,有损害呼吸道和眼睛的危险。所以最好用氦氖激光治疗,有明显的止痛和抗炎作用,能消除水肿,使病变局限并很快缓解。作者把面(疒节)分为5期:Ⅰ.初期。Ⅱ.浸润期。Ⅲ.脓肿形成期。Ⅳ.炎症缓解期。Ⅴ. According to the author's data from 1983 to 1985, children's face (knuckles) accounted for 15.7% of the total number of children with maxillofacial inflammation. 55.1% of boys and 44.9% of girls. Minimum age of 6 weeks. Past history of children with a variety of infectious diseases, bronchial pneumonia, acute respiratory virus infection, exudative quality. Face (疒 节) positioning, according to the frequency of occurrence: the nose, forehead, lips, cheeks, chin, eyelid. Locating the nasal, labial and nasal cheeks is particularly dangerous as it is possible to spread the infection into the brain along the venous network. 71.2% of the cases were treated later, the general situation worsened, the symptoms of organism poisoning, pain and edema were aggravated; this was not related to the domestic medication and heat application. Should be comprehensive treatment, must be given appropriate systemic treatment, including anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, desensitization, detoxification and body tonic therapy. Adult face (疒 section) with ultraviolet radiation, ultra-high frequency electrotherapy, chlorinated ethylene oxide plus ultraviolet radiation, etc., the effect is very good. But does not apply to children, because children do not fit, there is the risk of damaging the respiratory tract and eyes. So it is best to use He-Ne laser treatment, there are obvious analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, can eliminate edema, the limitations of the disease and quickly ease. The author divides the noodles into five phases: I. The beginning. Ⅱ. Infiltration period. Ⅲ. Abscess formation period. Ⅳ. Inflammation remission. Ⅴ.
本文介绍在长期承受静载作用的饱和软土中的打桩试验,并用不同方法计算桩的侧向荷载。 This paper describes the piling test in saturated soft soil subjected to static
定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有“那(这)个”的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。1.特指双方都明白的人或物。如:Take the medicine.
这天放学,开皮豆一进家门,就看到客厅里坐着一位警察。  爸爸一边给警察倒水,一边告诉他:“这是他的表叔,他上次来我们家,你还穿开裆裤呢。”