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我曾经是一名山区支教老师,短暂的支教生活让我难忘不已,学生和孩子们的贫困生活景象常驻我脑中。看了启程人的文章,我深深感动,扶贫的方式有许多种,找到适合的帮扶方式,最有效果也最能帮助贫困的人。希望扶贫可以从身边的每一个人做起。 I used to be a teacher in a mountainous area. The brief supportive life makes me unforgettable. The poor life scenes of students and children are always in my mind. After reading the articles of the pioneers, I am deeply moved by the fact that there are many ways to help the poor and find appropriate ways of helping others. The most effective and helpful way is to help the poor. Hope that poverty alleviation can start from everyone around us.
In this paper, the phenomenon that the variation in nutrient and water temperature could cause changes in phytoplankton growth and structure is examined; and th
Seep carbonate nodules were firstlycollected from the southwestern Dongsha area onnorthern continental slope of South China Sea formineralogical and geochemical
The article emphatically reviews the research progress in interconnections between the East Asian and Indian Ocean summer monsoons, between the Asian monsoon an
为了利用数值模拟技术计算感应加热过程中丝杠的奥氏体化情况,利用Gleeble1500D热模拟试验机,测试了55CrMo钢试样在升温速率为0.05~-50 K/s时的膨胀曲线,得到了它的奥氏体化