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清朝灭亡以后,人们在深宫大内的军机处档案库房中,发现了一批“洪全福起事”(又称“壬寅广州之役”)的史料。其中有讨清檄文、安民告示,还有清廷各级官吏往来密电等。这是一宗规模达三千多人的未遂事变,由于中外反动派的互相勾结,起义流产了。但个中真相内情,史传无文,鲜为人知。还有,参与其事的两员得力主将——谢缵泰、李纪堂,是值得后人大书一笔的历史人物,他俩同时又都是海外赤子,其爱国义举之感人事迹,也足资介绍如下。首先,简介“壬寅广州之役”的前因后果。原来,在清同治三 After the demise of the Qing Dynasty, people found a batch of historical materials about the “Hung Ching-Fu Incident” (also known as “Ren Yin’s Canton Battle”) in the file warehouse of the Military Command of the Great Palace. Among them, there are clarification of imperial clauses, the warning of the people of the Anmin people, and the secret electricity exchange between the officials of the Qing government at all levels. This is an attempted coup d’état with a size of more than 3,000. As a result of the collusion between Chinese and foreign reactionaries, the uprising has been aborted. However, the truth of the truth, no biography of history, little-known. What is more, the two powerful members who participated in the work, Xie T’ai-tai and Li Jitang, are historical figures worthy of great books for the descendants. At the same time, both of them are overseas children. Their personal feelings of patriotic justice are also fully explained below. First of all, an introduction to “Renyin Canton Battle” cause and effect. It turned out that Tongzhi three
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