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在义和团运动史的研究中,对冀中地区义和团的研究相对薄弱,有关专著述之未详,专题论文寥若晨星,史料的发掘整理也未尽人意,这与冀中义和团所处的地位和所起的作用是极不相称的。冀中是清朝统治的腹心地区,义和团运动的兴起与发展有其自身的特点,它不象其他地区那样源远流长,而是火山喷发似的迅速形成高潮。名闻遐迩的涞水之战、义和团占据涿州、廊坊之战和抗击八国联军的多次战斗均在这里发生;著名的义和团首领张德成、曹福田、王成德、周老昆、张玉瑢等人也从这里涌现。冀中义和团的迅猛发展和大量入京对清朝统治者的震动和影响也大大超过其他地区。本文不打算对冀中义和团作全面的论述,仅取其发展与清廷宣战决策的关系这一视角来作些探索。 In the study of Yihetuan movement history, the research on the Yihetuan League in Jizhong area is relatively weak, the monographs are still unknown, monographs are rare and the excavation and sorting of historical materials is not satisfactory, which is closely related to the position of Boxers in Jizhong The role is extremely disproportionate. Jizhong is the belly heart of the Qing dynasty. The rise and development of the Yihetuan Movement has its own characteristics. It does not have a long history as the rest of the world, but the rapid eruption of a volcano erupts. Famed battle of the Swish, Boxer occupy Zhuozhou, Langfang and the fight against the Eight-Power Allied Forces are many battles here are; famous leaders of the Boxers Zhang Decheng, Cao Futian, Wang Chengde, Zhoukun Kun, Zhang Yuyi, who also from here Emerging. The swift and violent development of the Yihetuan Jizhong and the mass influx of people into the capital in Beijing have also greatly affected and shaken other Qing dynasty rulers. This article does not intend to make a comprehensive exposition of the Yihetuan Jizhong, only to take its development and the Qing court’s decision to declare war on this perspective to explore.
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威州中学创建于1964年,并于1984年被列为四川省首批扩大办好的重点中学。在短短40余年历程中,威州中学以校风良好,治学严谨和教育教 Founded in 1964, Wisconsin High Schoo
如何培养学生的创新素质是当前教学研究的重要课题,不仅是对数学提出的更高层次的要求,也是当前数学素质教育的需要。创新精神的培养是创新教育的最高境界,它可以分 How to