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Strongly acidic soils(pH < 5.0) are detrimental to tea(Camellia sinensis) production and quality.Little information exists on the ability of surface amendments to ameliorate subsoil acidity in the tea garden soils.A 120-d glasshouse column leaching experiment was conducted using commonly available soil ameliorants.Alkaline slag(AS) and organic residues,pig manure(PM) and rapeseed cake(RC) differing in ash alkalinity and C/N ratio were incorporated alone and in combination into the surface(0—15 cm) of soil columns(10 cm internal diameter × 50 cm long) packed with soil from the acidic soil layer(15-30 cm) of an Ultisol(initial pH =4.4).During the 120-d experiment,the soil columns were watered(about 127 mm over 9 applications) according to the long-term mean annual rainfall(1143 mm) and the leachates were collected and analyzed.At the end of the experiment,soil columns were partitioned into various depths and the chemical properties of soil were measured.The PM with a higher C/N ratio increased subsoil pH,whereas the RC with a lower C/N ratio decreased subsoil pH.However,combined amendments had a greater ability to reduce subsoil acidity than either of the amendments alone.The increases in pH of the subsoil were mainly ascribed to decreased base cation concentrations and the decomposition of organic anions present in dissolved organic carbon(DOC) and immobilization of nitrate that had been leached down from the amended layer.A significant(P < 0.05) correlation between alkalinity production(reduced exchangeable acidity — N-cycle alkalinity) and alkalinity balance(net alkalinity production — N-cycle alkalinity) was observed at the end of the experiment.Additionally,combined amendments significantly increased(P < 0.05) subsoil cation concentrations and decreased subsoil Al saturation(P < 0.05).Combined applications of AS with organic amendments to surface soils are effective in reducing subsoil acidity in high-rainfall areas.Further investigations under field conditions and over longer timeframes are needed to fully understand their practical effectiveness in ameliorating acidity of deeper soil layers under naturally occurring leaching regimes. Strongly acidic soils (pH <5.0) are detrimental to tea (Camellia sinensis) production and quality. Little information exists on the ability of surface amendments to ameliorate subsoil acidity in the tea garden soils. A 120-d glasshouse column leaching experiment was conducted using all available soil ameliorants. Alkaline slag (AS) and organic residues, pig manure (PM) and rapeseed cake (RC) differing in ash alkalinity and C / N ratio were incorporated alone and in combination into the surface (0-15 cm) of The columns were watered (about 10 cm internal diameter × 50 cm long) packed with soil from the acidic soil layer (15-30 cm) of an Ultisol (initial pH = 4.4) 127 mm over 9 applications) according to the long-term mean annual rainfall (1143 mm) and the leachates were collected and analyzed. At the end of the experiment, soil columns were partitioned into various depths and the chemical properties of soil were measured. The PM with a higher C / N ratio increased subsoil pH, compared the RC with a lower C / N ratio decreased subsoil pH. Even, combined amendments had a greater ability to reduce subsoil acidity than either of the amendments alone. these increases in pH of the subsoil were mainly ascribed to decreased base cation concentrations and the decomposition of organic anions present in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and immobilization of nitrate that had been leached down from the amended layer. A significant (P <0.05) correlation between alkalinity production (reduced exchangeable acidity - N-cycle alkalinity ), and alkalinity balance (net alkalinity production - N-cycle alkalinity) was observed at the end of the experiment. Additionally, combined amendments significantly increased (P <0.05) subsoil cation concentrations and decreased subsoil Al saturation of AS with organic amendments to surface soils are effective in reducing subsoil acidity in high-rainfall areas. Future investigations under field condi tions and over longer timeframes are needed to fully understand their practical effectiveness in ameliorating acidity of deeper soil layers under naturally occurring leaching regimes.
我那上大班的女儿昀昀近来回到家常说上幼儿园没意思。当我问为什么时,她说:“在幼儿园,老师既不批评我,也不表扬我,真没意思。”  昀昀的话反映出一个孩子渴望被关注的心理。其实每个人都有这样的心理需要。作为一个独立存在的个体,意识到自己的存在,并且期望获得他人的承认和尊重,这是很正常和基本的心理需求。  5~6岁的儿童,他们的自我意识跟3~4岁的儿童比有了进一步的发展,突出表现为有了自己独立的评价。在
教学内容:人教版二年级上册第38、39页。  教学过程:  一、游戏导入,揭示课题  1.同学们好,我们先来做一个猜图形的游戏,看看这个可能是什么图形?(师出示一个信封,里面装有学生已经学过的平面图形,露出一部分,让学生猜一猜。)  2.先猜圆形,再猜长方形。教师再出示另一个图形,露出其中一个角让学生猜测。  师追问:“咦!你们这次为什么不说是圆形呢?你是根据什么来猜测的?”原来小朋友是根据图形上