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热分析技术应用甚广,尤其自80年代初我国开始热分析学会活动以来,10余年间我国在该领域取得了长足的进步,尽管相继出现了一些热分析的译著和专著,但适于作教材的著述,由蔡正千编写的《热分析》(高等教育出版社1993年出版)还是第一本。作者基于多年从事热分析教学和科研的切身体会和坚实基础,用简明的语言,阐述了热分析的一些基本问题,作到了言简意赅,深入浅出。表现出如下一些明显特点: ·本书作为教材详简适度,布局合理。全书258页,21万字。首先从基本的物理化学概念,如物质的热学性质和热量传递等入手,接着讲解几种主要的热分析方法,再讲一些典型的应用示例。从上述几个侧面,可让学习者通过为数不多的课时就可了解热分析总的概貌。 The thermal analysis technology is widely used. Especially since the beginning of the thermal analysis society in early 1980s, China has made great strides in this field in more than 10 years. Although there have been some translations and monographs of thermal analysis, Textbook writing, written by Cai Zhengqian “Thermal Analysis” (Higher Education Press 1993) is the first one. Based on years of experience and solid foundation in thermal analysis teaching and scientific research, the author expounds some basic problems of thermal analysis in concise language and makes concise and profound explanations. Showing some of the following obvious features: The book as a simple and appropriate textbook layout, reasonable layout. The book 258 pages, 21 words. Begin with the basic concepts of physical chemistry, such as the thermal properties of matter and heat transfer, and then explain some of the major thermal analysis methods and some typical application examples. From the above several aspects, allowing learners to pass a few hours can understand the thermal analysis of the general profile.
去年夏天,当灰熊队用老将最低薪资签下了“一代战神”艾弗森(Allen Iverson)时,许多球迷认为这对球队来说是一笔划算的签约;在充满斗志的艾弗森的带领下,灰熊这支年轻的球队
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