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“2004年全国十大考古发现”之一的南汉德陵与康陵的清理发掘,不仅使珍贵的南汉史迹重见天日并得以原址保护,而且解决了讹传已久的历史疑案。本文根据考古发现,对长期以来史料中关于德陵和康陵记载的错漏之处进行了更正,并指出了错误的原由所在,澄清历史本来面目。 The cleanup and excavation of the South Han Tombs and Kangling, one of the “Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries in 2004”, not only helped restore the valuable historical sites of South China to its original place, but also protected historical suspicions that had long been rumored. Based on the archaeological findings, this paper corrects the long-time errors and omissions in the documents written by both Deling and Kangling and points out the reasons for the mistakes and clarifies the true nature of history.
我们不能改变世界的规则,但是我们可以改变自身。改变自身也是一种责任,这是一个人的生命责任。 We can not change the rules of the world, but we can change ourselves.
介绍了双辊薄带连铸工艺中的三种侧封形式,详细分析了影响侧封效果的几个重要因素,为以后的研究指出了方向。 The three types of side seals in the twin-roll strip casti
对清河发电厂 4号汽轮机 4号轴承振动的原因进行了分析 ,并详细阐述了 1 999年大修的治理情况。修后状况表明治理效果良好 ,保证了机组运行的安全性及经济性。 The causes o
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这次习作,属于自由命题,选材的范围十分宽广。可以写人记事,可以写景状物,还可以写自己的梦想、理想。但是,不管写什么内容,都必须把握以下几个 This exercise is a free pr
The electrical resistance-pressure strain sensitivity of carbon nanotube network (NTN)/polymer composite is investigated. In this research, polydimethylsiloxane
多媒体技术作为一种现代教育技术,它能充分创造出一个图文并茂、有声有色、生动逼真的教学环境,为教师教学的顺利实施提供形象的辅助工具;能有效减轻学生课 As a modern edu