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  ★ Parkour 跑酷
  Meaning: A discipline that deals with ways to get from one place to another. Originating in France, its main purpose is to traverse[穿过] mainly urban landscapes by running, climbing and jumping.
  Participants move along a route, attempting to navigate[通过] obstacles in the most efficient way possible, using only their bodies. It is non-competitive.
  Parkour can be practiced anywhere, but areas dense with obstacles are preferable.
   Related Words:
  Traceur 跑酷者
  Meaning: A practitioner[专业人员] of parkour. It is most likely derived from Parisian slang “tracer” which means “to hurry” or “to move quickly”.
  Landing 基本落地
  Meaning: Bending the knees when toes make contact with ground (never land flat footed; always land on toes and ball of your foot, or whole footed).
  Balance 平衡
  Meaning: Walking along the crest of an obstacle.
  Cat Crawl 猫爬
  Meaning: Quadrupedal[四足动物的] movement along the crest of an obstacle.
  Underbar 穿杆
  Meaning: Jumping or swinging through a gap between obstacles.
  Pop Vault / Wall Hop / Wall Run 快速上墙
  Meaning: Overcoming a tall structure, usually by use of a step off the wall to transform forward momentum[要素] into upward momentum, then using the arms to climb onto and over the object.
  Meaning: To step off a wall in order to overcome another obstacle or gain height to grab something.
   Know More:
  ★ Free Running / Freerunning 自由奔跑
  Meaning: A form of urban acrobatics[杂技] in which participants, known as free runners, use the city and rural landscape to perform movements through their structures.
  It incorporates efficient movements from parkour, and adds other acrobatics, creating an athletic and aesthetically pleasing way of moving. It is commonly practiced at gymnasiums and in urban areas (such as cities or towns) that are cluttered with obstacles.
  启蒙跑酷文化的是法国海军军官—乔治·赫伯(George Hebert)。他在第一次世界大战之前就曾驻守世界不同地区,曾被非洲土著深深影响,提出了“自然之道”:“他们(土著)有着美妙的身体,灵活且矫健,动作具有技术和耐力。可是他们没有体育教练,大自然就是他们的体育教练。” 受卢梭原始主义的影响,赫伯编成一套以此为中心的体能训练方法,这对此后的军队以及消防队的训练都有极大的影响。
  2004年,法国出产了一部展示跑酷文化的电影—《暴力13街区》,其主角大卫·贝尔(David Belle)被很多人认为是跑酷运动的原创者。
Audie Cornish (Host): The sale of The Washington Post to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos struck NPR media correspondent David Folkenflik as a bit surprising. Given the tough times in the newspaper business,
I was sitting in the classroom  Trying to look intelligent  In case the teacher looked at me  She was long and she was lean  She’s a middle-aged dream  And that lady means the whole world to me    It’
软瘾(Soft addiction),美国心理学家Judith Wright提出来的新名词,指那些强迫性的习惯、行为或回复性的情绪,是不同于物质上瘾的沉迷。如习惯性拖延、频繁查看邮件和登录微博、花大量时间流连网站等。表面上看似乎暂时获得了满足或减轻了压力,实际上却浪费了大量的时间、精力和财力。我们来审视一下自己的日常行为,看看是否已经染上了“软瘾” 。    开小差对你有害无益。  1)Zonin
“裸婚”,你敢吗?  随着电视剧《裸婚时代》的热播,“裸婚”一词受到了广泛的热议。“裸婚”是指不买房、不买车、不办婚礼甚至没有婚戒而直接领结婚证的一种简朴的结婚方式。由于生活压力以及现代人越来越强调婚姻的“自由”和“独立”,婚礼在年轻一代的婚姻观中被重视的程度日益削弱,因而“裸婚”也就成为“80后”最新潮的结婚方式。  有人认为:结婚是人生的头等大事,如果他爱她,就该给她一个风风光光的婚礼,让她倍
这个新学期的到来,对于大部分大四的学生来说,是他们忙碌着作好进入社会的准备—找工作的时候。  这个春天的开始,对于很多混迹职场的老油条来说,也是蠢蠢欲动着准备跳槽的高峰期。  无论你是即将毕业的青涩学子,还是有着些许经验的职场人,这个时候都要作好了准备去通过某一种专业人士的挑剔和考核,他们就是人力资源经理。     从本期开始,《职场无忧》栏目将会为大家带来由英国总领事馆文化教育处提供的采访几个行
Hello Kitty深入人心的可爱形象,在日本遭遇了三月重大灾难后又被赋予了新的使命。且看施华洛世奇为其穿上bling bling的水晶衣裳,力图在灾难过后能够于心灵上给与日本民众以积极向上的力量。而众多Hello Kitty粉丝,抢购限量版的举措也能为幸存者们送去温暖,做如此的时尚达人,何乐而不为?    Narrator: Hello Kitty, Japan’s 1)famed iconi
不买房、不买车、不买婚戒、不办婚礼、不度蜜月,直接领结婚证。这样“裸婚”,Ali似乎还是有点接受不了,毕竟结婚是人生的头等大事。    Corie: It’s the newest trend. It’s basically just signing your name on the 1)dotted line and, 2)bada bing bada boom, you’re married.
先“裸婚”,等有了很好的经济基础,再在结婚周年补办盛大的婚礼,不失为一种很好的办法。    Ali: Well for starters, my parents would kill me. Like, not even joking, they’d kill me.   Corie: Are they the ones paying for this? ①Tell them that if th
公主下嫁平民,这种似乎只在童话中才有的故事,却真实地发生了。  2010年6月19日,瑞典的维多利亚公主(Crown Princess Victoria)和未婚夫丹尼尔·韦斯特林(Daniel Westling)在斯德哥尔摩市中心的大教堂举行了奢华而隆重的婚礼。一个是身份尊贵的公主,一个是平凡的形体教练,这对门户悬殊的情侣在恋情公开之始就受到瑞典王室的极力反对。时过8年,虽历经曲折,但佳偶终入教堂
“Why not just interview?”  Many interviewees will ask.  1)Recruiting the wrong person can be a very expensive mistake! Conversely, recruiting the right person can transform an organisation for the bet