The Why of Naked

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  Corie: Hey Ali, ①I’ve been looking for you high and low!
  Ali: Is everything alright?
  Corie: Oh ②everything is 1)peachy keen. I just heard that you might have some news to share.
  Ali: Oh haha, yeah, that’s right.
  Corie: ③Don’t tell me it slipped your mind so easily!
  Ali: Of course not! How could I forget? It’s practically 2)devoured every other thought in my head.
  Corie: Well, spit it out!
  Ali: ④Cam and I are gonna tie the knot.
  Corie: Oh Ali, I’m so excited for you. Congratulations!
  Ali: Well, don’t be too quick with the congrats. It’s sort of a 3)mixed blessing at the moment.
  Corie: How so?
  Ali: We just can’t afford it. I mean, I know it’s nothing compared to the past, but it’s still nothing to 4)sneeze at.
  Corie: Really? Like what?
  Ali: There are just so many factors—the ring, the dress, the dinner, the reception, the invitations, the flowers, the gifts—it really adds up.
  Corie: Wow, that’s a long list. Can’t you do it for cheap?
  Ali: Even the cheapest is a 5)stretch for us. Besides, there’s no way my parents will
  6)give us the go ahead.
  Corie: What? But why not? Cam’s a great guy, Ali. Even they’ve said he’s good for you.
  Ali: Yeah, but he’s only 25. He’s still an
  7)intern at the law firm, not even a junior partner. He’s got no house and no car, can’t even afford a ring…
  Corie: ⑤Join the club. He’s not alone, Ali. It’s like that everywhere in China for our generation.
  Ali: Oh I know that—but my parents don’t. Or won’t. ⑥There’s just no way they’ll give it the green light.
  Corie: Well have you considered having a naked wedding?
  Ali: A “naked” wedding? Like with no clothes? You’ve got to be pulling my leg…
  Corie: Oh don’t be ridiculous! Of course not naked naked. It’s just the newest buzz word for a 8)bare-bones wedding.
  Ali: ⑦You’ve lost me.
  Corie: Here, let me explain…
  Smart Sentences
  ① I’ve been looking for you high and low! 我一直在到处找你!
  high and low: here and there; everywhere(到处,各处)。例如:
  I’ve been searching for the car keys high and low.
  ② Everything is peachy keen. 一切都好。
  peachy keen: very nice(非常好)。例如:
  Everything is peachy keen for now.
  ③ Don’t tell me it slipped your mind so easily! 别告诉我你那么快就忘得一干二净。
  slip one’s mind: pass out of one’s memory, forget(忘记)。例如:
  I’m sorry for not telling you about my trip to Tibet. It must have slipped my mind.
  ④ Cam and I are gonna tie the knot. 我和卡姆打算要结婚了。
  tie the knot: get married(结婚)。例如:
  We’re going to tie the knot next Spring.
  ⑤ Join the club. 很多人都有同样的情况。
  join the club: used to express that you are not alone in a certain situation, usu. referring to unpleasant circumstances(不光是你一个人,别人也一样;通常指不愉快的处境)。例如:
  —My parents said I can’t see any movies or play video games until the College Entrance Exam next year.
  —Join the club. My dad said no more basketball from now on.
  ⑥ There’s just no way they’ll give it the green light.况且我父母肯定不同意我们结婚。
  green light: permission to do sth.(做某事的许可)。例如:
  I was finally given the green light to go to the party Saturday night.
  ⑦ You’ve lost me. 你把我弄糊涂了。
  lose sb.: cause sb. not to understand sth.(使某人困惑)。例如:
  His long speech on the relationship between CPI and inflation really lost me.
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