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前苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基提出:要满足学生的精神需要,即人的道德、智力、审美的需要和兴趣,就必须让学生过着丰富的精神生活, 主要是学习活动。就语文学科来讲, 要从整体上提高学生的语文素养, 课堂教学是远远不够的,而课外阅读恰能弥补其不足。新大纲明确规定“四年级课外阅读要求不少于30万字,能借助字典或有关资料独立阅读程度适合的读物,了解主要内容”。组织孩子们大量阅读课外书籍,是语文教师义不容辞的责任。为此,本班开展了“好书人人读”课外阅读活动,以满足孩子们的精神需要。我尝试着从以下几点入手: 一、名言导入,激发兴趣兴趣是最好的老师。我首先在教室内张贴名人名言,利用朝 Former Soviet Union educator Suhomlinski proposed: To meet the spiritual needs of students, that is, human morality, intelligence, aesthetic needs and interests, we must enable students to live a rich spiritual life, mainly learning activities. As far as the Chinese subject is concerned, it is not enough to improve the students' Chinese literacy as a whole. However, extracurricular reading can make up for the deficiency. The new outline clearly stipulates “fourth grade extra-curricular reading requirements of not less than 300,000 words, with the dictionary or related information independent reading appropriate reading, to understand the main content ”. It is incumbent upon language teachers to organize children to read extracurricular books. To this end, the class launched a “good book for everyone reading” extracurricular reading activities to meet the spiritual needs of children. I try to start from the following points: First, the introduction of famous words, to stimulate interest in interest is the best teacher. I first posted celebrity famous quotations in the classroom, using the North Korea
摘要:发散思维是从同一来源的语言材料中探求不同的答案的思维过程和方法。在教学过程中,若能注意营造良好的心理环境,激发学生发散思维的兴趣;启发学生联想,鼓励学生大胆质疑,标新:立异;加强发散性提问,选准求异点,引导学生具有强烈的好奇心,并善于在实践中培养学生的探究能力;使学生由观众变成主角,我们的课堂就会充满活力,学生的创新能力就会得到培养。  关键词:发散思维 联想 质疑 想象 创新
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CNPC’s drilling fluids sector, being one of the important components of the company’s engineering service business, had CNPC’s drilling fluids sector, being
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在素质教育中,艺术教育具有区别于德育、智育、体育的独特功能,这种功能不仅表现在它能提高学生的艺术审美修养,更具有促进人的全面素质发展,实现人格完善的功能。自 In qu