Cellular Spacing Selection of Cu-Mn Alloy under Ultrahigh Temperature Gradient and Rapid Solidificat

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Cellular spacing selection of Cu-27.3 wt pct Mn alloy has been investigated by laser surface rapid resolidification experiments. The experimental results show that there exists a wide distribution range in cellular spacing under ultra-high temperature gradient and rapid solidification conditions and the average spacing decrease with increase of the growth rate. The experimental results are compared with the current KGT model for rapid cellular/dendritic growth, and a reasonable agreement is found. Cellular spacing selection of Cu-27.3 wt pct Mn alloy has been investigated by laser surface rapid resolidification experiments. The experimental results show there there a wide distribution range in cellular spacing under ultra-high temperature gradient and rapid solidification conditions and the average spacing decrease with increase of the growth rate. The experimental results are compared with the current KGT model for rapid cellular / dendritic growth, and a reasonable agreement is found.
学校是培养人才的摇篮,关系到国家未来的发展。它是一个多元素、多层次、多系列、多结构的复杂综合体,要把这个综合体里每一位成员的智慧和力量 The school is the cradle o
·首页信息.关于建筑业2994、1995年和 “九五”期间重点推广应用 10项新技术的通知(续)1一l建设部发布《城市商品房预售 管理办法》2一1建设部关于加强城市绿地和绿 化种植
塑性技术国际会议始创于 1 984年日本京都 ,每三年一届 ,轮流在世界各国举行。第二届 1 987年在德国斯图加特 ,第三届 1 990年在中国北京 ,第四届 1 993年在日本东京 ,第五届
引言我厂生产的美国西屋公司三十万千瓦汽轮机末级静叶片,其长度达807毫米,最厚34毫米,最薄~2毫米。叶型扭曲,材料是耐酸不绣钢 oCr_(18)Ni_9,叶片实样见图1。根据技术要求,
食管癌、贲门癌患者及二者术后复发的患者常出现管腔狭窄 ,导致患者生活质量下降甚至饥饿性死亡 ,治疗的目的在于解除梗阻。我们自 1997年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 12月在内镜下置入食