
来源 :国外医学(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:magicglf
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新生儿心脏病多为紫绀型先天性心脏病。其足月儿和早产儿依靠动脉导管(简称导管)开放而存活,用药物维持导管闭合或再开放极其重要。消炎痛使导管收缩,而前列腺素(PG)E能使其再开放。药理学PG可分为E、I和F。PGF使血管收缩,PGE和PGI使血管舒张。导管对PGE_2的敏感性使之成为调节血管开放的最重要的PG。因此,PGE用于增加先天性心脏病(CHD)婴儿的肺血流量和血氧合 Neonatal heart disease mostly cyanotic congenital heart disease. Its full-term children and premature children rely on the opening of the ductus arteriosus (referred to as catheter) and survival, with drugs to maintain catheter closure or re-open is extremely important. Indomethacin constricts the catheter while prostaglandin (PG) E enables it to reopen. Pharmacology PG can be divided into E, I and F. PGF vasoconstriction, PGE and PGI vasodilatation. The sensitivity of the catheter to PGE 2 makes it the most important PG that regulates vessel opening. Therefore, PGE is used to increase pulmonary blood flow and oxygenation in infants with congenital heart disease (CHD)
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