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1987年6月3日至7日,中国机械工程学会流体工程学会流体密封专业委员会,邀请国内密封技术界专家、教授和各方面的知名人士共40多人,在浙江大学举行了“密封科技进步研究会”。研究会就国内外密封技术发展动态、密封技术发展方向、密封技术基础理论研究、密封新产品和新材料的开发、密封技术引进和产品出口、密封件质量管理、密封技术人才的教育培训、密封技术资料的编撰等议题广泛地进行了讨论,提出了许多具体意见,涉及范围非常广泛,大致可分为十二个方面:一、建议设立“密封学”学科;二、加强对密封摩擦工况、液膜形态以及非接触型密封工作机理、结构参数等基础理论研究;三、建立密封产品质量保证体系;四、产品的升级换代;五、开发密封系统;六、加强静密封及往复密封的研究;七、扩大软填料、柔性石墨制品系列;八、加强密封标准化工作,建议成立标准化委员会;九、密封产品的国产化;十、开发密封漏液的后处理装置;十一、加强人员培训、提高密封使用水平;十二、加强密封技术情报工作以及编辑出版工作。本刊选登了部分代表在会议上的发言,以期引起密封技术界的关注和重视。 From June 3 to June 7, 1987, the Fluid Mechanics Committee of China Mechanical Engineering Society, a professional committee of Fluid Seals, invited more than 40 experts, professors and celebrities from all over the world to seal science and technology progress in Zhejiang University Research“. The seminar will focus on the domestic and international developments in sealing technology, the development of sealing technology, the basic theoretical research of sealing technology, the development of new products and materials for sealing, the introduction of sealing technology and the export of products, the quality management of sealing materials, the education and training of sealing technicians, Technical materials and other topics discussed extensively, put forward many specific opinions, covering a wide range, can be divided into twelve aspects: First, it is recommended to establish a ”seal" discipline; Second, to strengthen the friction seal conditions , The shape of the liquid film and the non-contact seal working mechanism, structural parameters and other basic theoretical research; Third, the establishment of seal product quality assurance system; Fourth, product upgrades; Fifth, the development of sealing systems; Sixth, to enhance the static seal and reciprocating seal Research; seven, expanding the soft packing, flexible graphite products series; eight, to strengthen the standardization of sealing work, it is recommended to set up a standardization committee; nine, sealing products localization; ten, development of sealing leakage of post-processing device; , To improve the level of seal use; 12, to strengthen the seal of technical intelligence and editing and publishing work. Articles selected some of the delegates at the conference speech, with a view to arousing the attention and attention seal technology community.
当采用状态监测维修时,维修及故障造成的停机时间和维修费用都将大幅度下降。 据考察,美国洛杉矶和旧金山有两家炼油厂从70年代起就推行状态监测维修制,一般透平压缩机组6~7
Research topics and methods of green chemistry in chromate production are introduced in this paper . New original green chemical process of the heterogeneous r
用改进单纯形法对火焰 AAS 测定铜的条件进行优化,并与传统方法进行了比较。结果表明,改进单纯形优化法实验次数少,灵敏度提高,线性关系好。 The condition of flame AAS fo