走进去 求实效 谋发展——沙洋县司法局用实际行动践行群众路线教育实践活动

来源 :党员生活(湖北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaojunsyt
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习近平总书记指出,要以“照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病”为总要求,在全党深入开展以为民务实清廉为主要内容的党的群众路线教育实践活动,促使党员干部进一步提高思想,转变作风,密切联系群众,切实解决一批关系群众切身利益的问题。群众路线教育实践活动启动以来,沙洋县司法局党组高度重视,紧密团结,上下一心,齐头并进,将群众路线教育活动与“三万”活动相结合,主动作为,干部作风进一步淬炼,党群干群关系进一步密切。 General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: In line with the general request of “looking in the mirror, dressing up, taking a bath and treating the sickness,” it is necessary to educate the entire party in carrying out the party’s mass line education practice that focuses on the practical workmanship and cleanliness, Cadres should further improve their thinking, change their work style, keep in close contact with the masses and effectively solve a number of issues concerning the vital interests of the masses. Since the launching of the mass line education practice, the Party committees of the Shayang County Judicial Bureau have attached great importance to and unite closely. They have joined hands with each other to bring the education of the mass line into line with the activities of the “30,000” and take the initiative as a means to further consolidate the cadres’ The relationship between cadres and masses in the party and the masses is even closer.
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Background: The presence of pathological Q waves in the infarct leads on the surface electrocardiogram in an ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction indicates