Long-term results of pneumatic dilation for achalasia: A15 years' experience

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudizeng
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锘緼IM: Although most patients with achalasia respond to pneumatic dilation, one-third experienced recurrence, and prolonged follow-up studies on parameters associated with various outcomes are scanty. In this retrospective study, we reported a 15-years’ experience with pneumatic dilation treatment in patients with primary achalasia, and determined whether previously described predictors of outcome remain significant after endoscopic dilation. METHODS: Between September 1989 and September 2004, 39 consecutive patients with primary symptomatic achalasia (diagnosed by clinical presentation, esophagoscopy, barium esophagogram, and manometry) who received balloon dilation were followed up at regular intervals in person or by phone interview. Remission was assessed by a structured interview and a previous symptoms score. The median dysphagia-free duration was calculated by Kaplan-Meier analysis. RESULTS: Symptoms were dysphagia (n=39, 100%), regurgitation(n=23, 58.7%), chest pain (n=4, 10.2%), and weight loss (n=26, 66.6%). A total of 74 dilations were performed in 39 patients; 13 patients (28%) underwent a single dilation, 17 patients (48.7%) required a second procedure within a median of 26.7 mo (range 5-97 mo), and 9 patients (23.3%) underwent a third procedure within a median of 47.8 mo (range 37-120 mo). Post-dilation lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure, assessed in 35 patients, has decreased from a baseline of 35.8卤10.4-10.0卤7.1 mmHg after the procedure. The median follow-up period was 9.3 years (range 0.5-15 years). The dysphagiafree duration by Kaplan-Meier analysis was 78%, 61% and 58.3% after 5, 10 and 15 years respectively. CONCLUSION: Balloon dilation is a safe and effective treatment for primary achalasia. Post-dilation LES pressure estimation may be useful in assessing response. This 緼 IM: Although most patients with achalasia respond to pneumatic dilation, one-third experienced recurrence, and prolonged follow-up studies on parameters associated with various outcomes are scanty. In this retrospective study, we reported a 15-years’ experience with pneumatic METHODS: Between September 1989 and September 2004, 39 consecutive patients with primary symptomatic achalasia (diagnosed by clinical presentation, esophagoscopy, barium esophagogram, and who received balloon dilation were followed up at regular intervals in person or by phone interview. Remission was assessed by a structured interview and a previous symptoms score. The median dysphagia-free duration was calculated by Kaplan-Meier analysis. RESULTS: Symptoms were dysphagia (n = 39, 100%), regurgitation (n = 23, 58.7%), chest pain (n = 4, 10 A total of 74 dilations were performed in 39 patients; 13 patients (28%) underwent a single dilation, 17 patients (48.7%) required a second procedure within (n = 26, 66.6% a median of 26.7 mo (range 5-97 mo), and 9 patients (23.3%) underwent a third procedure within a median of 47.8 mo (range 37-120 mo). Post-dilation lower esophageal sphincter (LES) The median follow-up period was 9.3 years (range 0.5-15 years). The dysphagia duration by Kaplan-Meier analysis was 78% in 35 patients, has decreased from a baseline of 35.8 Bromine 10.4-10.0 Halogen 7.1 mmHg after the procedure. , 61% and 58.3% after 5, 10 and 15 years respectively. CONCLUSION: Balloon dilation is a safe and effective treatment for primary achalasia. Post-dilation LES pressure estimation may be useful in assessing response.
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自2002年11月以来,一种新型的以呼吸道症状为主的急性传染病暴发流行。2003年3月WHO将此病命名为重症急性呼吸综合征(severe acute respiratory syndrome,SARS)。我院于2003年4月对3例SARS死亡病例进行了尸体解剖检查,对其病理学特点进行了总结。
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