
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Guihuaxuetu
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目的分析结核分枝杆菌Rv2660c蛋白的结构并预测其抗原表位,为研发针对结核潜伏性感染的治疗性疫苗和药物提供新的靶点。方法用BLAST软件分析Rv2660c蛋白与人类蛋白的同源性,然后运用生物信息学方法预测其二级结构、跨膜结构、信号肽序列及T细胞和B细胞抗原表位。结果 BLAST结果显示,Rv2660c蛋白与人类蛋白同源性不高,同源性最高的人类蛋白是MAD 6蛋白,同源性仅为16%。Rv2660c蛋白无跨膜区,为胞外蛋白,不含信号肽序列;该蛋白含丰富的B细胞和T细胞抗原表位,19-35、48-54、28-44和58-73位氨基酸残基可能存在优势线性B细胞表位;56-64位和65-74位氨基酸可能存在优势辅助性T细胞表位,66-74、41-49、63-71位氨基酸可能存在优势细胞毒性T细胞表位。结论 Rv2660c蛋白含丰富抗原表位,具有较强的体液免疫和细胞免疫原性,可望作为潜伏性感染结核的治疗性疫苗和药物的作用靶点。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv2660c protein and predict its epitopes, and to provide a new target for the development of therapeutic vaccines and drugs targeting tuberculous latent infection. Methods The BLAST software was used to analyze the homology between Rv2660c protein and human protein. Then the bioinformatics method was used to predict the secondary structure, transmembrane structure, signal peptide sequence, T cell and B cell epitopes. Results The results of BLAST showed that Rv2660c protein had low homology with human protein and the highest homology of human protein was MAD 6 protein with only 16% homology. The Rv2660c protein has no transmembrane domain and is an extracellular protein that contains no signal peptide sequence. The protein is rich in B cell and T cell epitopes, and amino acid residues 19-35, 48-54, 28-44 and 58-73 There may be dominant linear B-cell epitopes; 56-64 and 65-74 amino acids may have advantages of helper T-cell epitopes, 66-74,41-49,63-71 amino acids may be preponderant cytotoxic T cells gauge. Conclusion Rv2660c protein is rich in epitopes and has strong humoral and cellular immunogenicity. It is expected to serve as a therapeutic target for therapeutic vaccines and drugs for latent infection of tuberculosis.
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