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  Last year, Google implemented a new tool to fight the spread of misinformation on the web worldwide. The new “Fact Check” program automatically labels dubious stories in users’ search results, and provides links to fact-checking sites like Snopes and Politifact to establish the veracity of their claims.1
  The new tool comes as major websites such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter continue to face pressure to check the spread of “fake news” across the internet, an issue which was catapulted2 into the spotlight during the US presidential campaign.
  Over the past few years, sites such as Google have had to walk a fine line between policing false claims and supporting basic principles of free speech online. Google,after all, is the most popular search engine in the world, sporting more than 77 percent of the global search engine market share. And for many, that level of influence entails3 some responsibility to make sure its users are not misled.
  “Building systems that help people get better at judging information is an important goal and helping people notice when information might not be credible is an excellent thing to do—in my work, I call this ‘designing for information assess ability,’”says Andrea Forte, an assistant professor at Drexel University’s College of Computing
How much do you earn? There are few questions that British people find so excruciating1—or rude. Walking around Bristol on a heaven-scented spring day, buttonholing random strangers about their person
With their goal of “seeing the snow” achieved, Shannon and Christine, with Ian, head back to the little town of Blairgowrie1. They had had another great day with him, with lots of laughs. If you remem
原文  [1]在整个生态平衡系统中,各种存在与发展是相互依赖、相互制约的。例如,植物为动物提供所需要的氧气和食物,同时吸取动物的排泄物为养料,使二者得以蓬勃发展。在动物之中,固然是弱肉强食,但其生存模式也抵消了弱者过分繁殖的危险,而弱者的相对迅速增长,又化解了被灭种的危险。在植物之中,从树木到灌木,也都被有效地自然调节着——雷电击下的森林大火,防止了树木的过分茂盛,以至于剥夺小灌木的生机。  [2
摘 要:本文首先通过18世纪末与19世纪上半叶旅华的西方人赫特纳(J. C. Huttner)与亨特(William C. Hunter)的回忆录等第一手素材来勾勒中西在广州一带对外通商口岸早期交往中(主要为欧美商人与中国通事间)所使用的通用语状况。该部分尽可能地采用一些被保留下来的语言实例来说明该通用语的特性以及发展演变情况,以便让我们对于当时中国译员(通事)所使用的“工作语言”乃至其外语能力产
I was in the garden with Augie, my four-year-old grandson, watching the bees in the lavender1. “Bees make honey,” I said, transmitting the wisdom of the ages in good grandmotherly fashion.2 After a pa
拥有强悍的动力单元的新BMWM5和新BMWM6今夏将进入中国。新BMWM车型包括新BMWM5和新BMWM6。它们的共同之处在于将超级跑车的外观和GrandTouring赛车的性能完美地结合在了一起。    新M车型可以提供:    5升排量的V10发动机,可以输出507马力的功率  7档SMG变速箱(可以根据驾驶者情况进行编程)  轻量化车身结构,包括碳纤维材料车顶  在4.7秒内从静止加速到时速
提到大卫,大多数人想到的,该是米开朗基罗塑造的那个踌躇满志、准备出征的美少年吧。少年大卫对抗巨人哥利亚(Goliath)确是广为传颂的故事,但是,作为活生生的“人”的大卫,又有多少人了解呢?  美国作家杰拉尔丁·布鲁克斯(Geraldine Brooks)在《秘密和弦》(The Secret Chord)这本书中,把大卫这个“人”全面展开给我们看。  细数下来,《圣经》中大多数人物,只能算作“功能
摘 要:阅读与写作素养的均衡发展对实现立德树人的课程目标尤为关键,而拼读是学生有效开展阅读和写作的必要条件。本文分析了英语为母语和英语为外语儿童学习拼读的目的与条件的差异,探讨了拼读、阅读与写作教学之间的关联,指出在中国中小学生英语读写素养培养中,合理连接拼读、阅读和写作教学,对促进均衡的英语读写素养发展具有重要意义。本文同时探讨了有效开展拼读教学、有机连接三者的教学路径和均衡比例。在课堂教学中,