重大的题材 感人的艺术——首都专家盛赞粤剧《情系“中英街”》

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1996年1月15日。文化部艺术局召集了在京的33名专家,为深圳市粤剧团编演的大型现代粤剧《情系“中英街”》的晋京演出,举行了座谈会。座谈会在文化部四楼会议室举行。到会的专家们就《情》剧的剧本、主题;导演、表演;舞美、音乐、服装;以及加工、提高等等问题,热情、中肯地发表了各自的宝贵意见。现将发言摘录如下:一、关于剧本的题材和主题郭建光(文化部艺术局戏剧处副处长):此剧的题材好,主题思想好,特区人写“中英街”这个题材,具有特 January 15, 1996. The Arts Bureau of the Ministry of Culture convened 33 experts in Beijing to hold a symposium on the performance of Jin Jing in the large-scale modern Cantonese opera “Sino-British Street” which was performed by the Shenzhen Opera Troupe. The forum will be held in the conference room on the fourth floor of the Ministry of Culture. The experts attending the meeting expressed their enthusiasm and pertinent comments on the drama, theme, director, performance, dance, beauty, music, and costume of the “Love” drama as well as the processing, improvement and so on. The following is an excerpt from the speech: I. Themes and Themes on the Script Guo Jianguang (Deputy Director of Theater, Arts Bureau, Ministry of Culture): The theme of this drama is good and its theme is good.
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