
来源 :美中国际眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:betterman_swp
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1.流动眼科治疗中心计划。2.培训中国眼科医生并在县医院配备白内障手术设备。2.1.为陕西、广东、江苏及山东省的6个县医院培训了眼科医生并配置了手术设备。2.2.在新疆自治区的和田地区培训眼科医生并为6个县医院提供了白内障手术设备。3.亚太地区低视力工厂和视觉2020地区性低视力资源中心。4.为了最大限度地扩大共同努力的成果,香港盲人辅导会和亚洲防盲基金会将与中国卫生部、中国残疾人联合会、各省卫生厅、省残联和各医院及其它国际非政府机构等紧密合作为中国的防盲治盲及低视力康复而努力奋斗。 1. Mobile Eye Treatment Center Program. 2. Train Chinese ophthalmologists and equip cataract surgery equipment in county hospitals. 2.1. Ophthalmologists were trained and equipped with surgical equipment in six county hospitals in Shaanxi, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shandong Provinces. 2.2. Train ophthalmologists in the Hetian area of ​​Xinjiang Autonomous Region and provide cataract surgical equipment to six county hospitals. 3. Asia Pacific Low Vision Factory and Vision 2020 Regional Low Vision Resource Center. 4. To maximize the results of our joint efforts, the Hong Kong Society for the Blind and the Asian Blindness Foundation will work with the Chinese Ministry of Health, China Disabled Persons’ Federation, Provincial Health Department, Provincial Disabled People’s Federation and hospitals and other international non-governmental organizations And other close cooperation for China’s prevention and treatment of blindness blindness and low vision rehabilitation and work hard.
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我在指南针公司工作期间,公司 的效益很好,员工的待遇和福利相当 不错。这是不是就能够算是一个好雇 主呢?每个人的想法肯定不太一样, 对我来说,应该就算可以了。 During my
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