CPAFFC's Reception Welcoming Foreign Friends Attending Commemoration of 60th Anniversary of Vic

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The 60th anniversary of thevictory of the Chinese Peo-ple’s War of Resistance AgainstJapanese Aggression fell on Sep-tember 3, 2005. At the invitationof the CPAFFC, more than 200veterans who took part in theWar of Resistance Against Japa-nese Aggression a The 60th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese Peo-ple’s War of Resistance Against Japan Aggression fell on Sep-tember 3, 2005. At the invitation of the CPAFFC, more than 200 veterans who took part in the War of Resistance Against Japa-nese Aggression a
September3,2005marked the60th anniver-sary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggressionand the World Anti-Fascist War.O
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