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很少有机会能看到太阳升起时的金色沙滩。站在海边向远处眺望时,我们是幸运的。大海退潮也是如此温和,穿着绿色长袍的它显得很平静。沙滩很柔软,感觉我们像在一块棉花糖地毯上行走。向海面的远方眺望,像河流一样闪烁的光让大海沉浸在一片金色之中。只有三三两两的游客从我们身边走过。美丽的沙滩上几乎没有人漫步在阳光下。 There are few opportunities to see the golden beach when the sun rises. We are fortunate to stand on the beach looking out to the distance. The ebb of the sea is so modest, it looks calm in a green robe. The beach is soft and feels like we’re walking on a marshmallow rug. Looking out into the distance from the sea, light shining like a river makes the sea immerse in the golden color. Only twos and threes tourists walked by us. Almost no one strolls in the sun on the beautiful beach.
▲肖嘉晖  Everyone has problems. They can be small things and they can also be big deals. But it is not necessary for us to be worried about them. I think the most important thing is to find a good way to
随着互联网和其他即时信息渠道的逐渐增多,人们得以方便、快捷地获得不同学科的应用知识。一些沉溺于获取多领域即时信息的人被称为“pancake p eople”(煎饼人)。这些人让自
1948年11月12日,举世瞩目的东京大审判终于结束,东条英机等7名首恶战犯被送上绞架。50年前参与东京大审判的11名法官中,有位叫梅汝 的,他是唯一的中国法官。可以说由于梅汝 的艰苦努力,才有了
对取自青藏高原中部色林错深水区的SL-1孔开展年代学和粒度参数研究,以此重建了该湖5.33 ka BP以来的水位变化。结果表明,5.33~4.25 ka BP是一期较为稳定的高湖面期,湖面波动
FIFA(国际足联)broke new ground by appointing a Senegalese(塞内加尔的)United Nations official as its first female and first non-European secretary general.Fatma
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