A Study of the Subtitle Translation in“The Big Bang Theory”from Newmark’s Communicative Translation

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mikelee
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  【Abstract】The subtitle translation is very different from other forms of translation.We translators should meet the particular needs of the subtitle.This study is going to analyze the subtitle translation in “The Big Bang Theory” from Newmark’s Communicative Translation Theory in three main perspectives:the information transmission,the aesthetics effect and the emotional transmission.In the information transmission the study will put emphasis on the limited circumstance.In the aesthetics effect the study will explore the expression of the sense of beauty.In the emotional transmission this study will study the use of rhetoric to express different emotions.
  【Key words】subtitle translation; communicative translation theory; translation principle; information transmission; aesthetic effect; emotional transmission
  Chapter One Introduction
  The subtitle translation is one of the most important forms and widely used in our everyday life.As we all know that the subtitle of the films is one kind of the non-literary writing.According to Newmark,the communicative theory is very suitable to the non-literary writing,so the communicative theory can be well applied into the subtitle translation.
  Newmark categorized the functions of the language in the book “A Textbook of Translation” in three subsections:the information transmission,the aesthetic effect and the emotional transmission.So the subtitle translation is concerned with the information the author wants to express.To make the film more interesting and attractive,the subtitle must take the aesthetic effect into consideration.The aesthetic effect put emphasis on the rhythm,the metaphors and the balance of sentences and so on.The emotion transmission requires that the subtitle should be loyal to the circumstances and express the emotion and the manner of the actors.The subtitle is a special kind of text.It has a lot of limit,such as the sound and the length.The translators should translate the subtitle based on the character of the role and the circumstance and so on.
  Chapter Two Subtitle Translation in “The Big Bang Theory” by referring to Communicative Translation Theory.
  1.Information Transmission
  According to Newmark,the information transmission can suit some styles of text.The subtitle translation must be loyal to the information which is related to the original language and make sure that the form of the subtitle is the same to the original text.
  There are a variety of characters in one film,some is very kind and some is vicious,some is very extrovert and some is introvert,some is very mature and some is very childish.So we should express the information of the characters in the subtitle.
[一 数列的概念和表示]  1. 考纲解读:  (1)了解数列的概念和几种简单的表示方法(列表、图象、通项公式);  (2)了解数列是自变量为正整数的一类函数. 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装
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我会永远记得2013年6月25日那个下午。  翔宇网吧里灯光惨白,空调无力,空气既浑浊又燥热。可邻座的二胖全然不受周围环境影响,鼠标连点五下,干掉四个怪,成功带领我队闯过关口。后来我们又连闯三关,最终败在一支王牌战队手下。我遗憾地关掉游戏窗口,和二胖互相安慰。  这时,右边一个文质彬彬的男生坐下了。他不甚熟练地点开网页,然后犹豫了半分钟,转过头问我:“请问怎么转换输入法,这里的电脑和学校的不一样。
突如其来的带班  首站我们来到青峰镇中心幼儿园。这是一所小学附属幼儿园,刚成立2年,多数教师是转岗教师,园长及中小学校长接待了我们。彼此介绍后,便来到中四班,我以为是观摩,了解区域创设及教师指导现状,没想到,他們提出由我来带班指导,看我是怎样指导孩子进行区域活动的。虽没有准备,但我还是从容地站到了40位孩子中间。我的大脑瞬间迅速运转,明确自己要怎样规范组织区域活动,向老师们展示哪些区域指导的关键点
美科学家研制“猫脑”计算机  科学家发现,猫能够比超级计算机更快速有效地识别出人脸。这是因为,计算机的逻辑和记忆功能位于电路的不同部分,每个计算单元和少量相邻电路相连,以线性方式执行代码。而猫脑中的神经元通过突触相互接触并传递信息,突触还能根据神经元产生的电信号的强度和时间点来记住这些通道,具有记忆能力。这就是为什么猫能在瞬间识别出人的脸部,但超级计算机花费更长的时间、消耗更多的能量才可以完成这个
[摘 要] 课堂是教学的第一阵地,而作为教学主体的学生,他们的大部分知识也都来源于课堂. 因此课堂教育需要师生间的合作,教师应该把课堂交还给学生,学生也应该充分利用好课堂,不断尝试“走自己的路”——锻炼思维能力. 从多年的初中数学教学经历来看,笔者发现“留白策略”是促进学生思维发展的一把利刃,因此教师要扮演好引导者的角色,而不是“包办思想”,扼杀学生的思维能力. 巧用“留白策略”将极大程度地促进学
【摘要】本文选择《输入方式与听力词汇习得——一项听力词汇习得实验的报告》为评价对象,作者是王燕(南京农业大学)。该研究者通过一项实验研究到达了研究目的,即听觉渠道比视觉渠道更有利于听力词汇的获得以及阅读词汇通过听力练习可以转化为听力词汇。本文根据文秋芳关于实验研究的相关理论对上述实验报告进行了分析与评价,结果发现,虽然该实验研究具有较高的内部效度,但外部效度却不显著。  【关键词】实验研究 听力词