
来源 :四川党的建设(农村版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwangruir
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去年以来,南溪县在全县61个县级机关、2000余名机关干部中开展了以密切党同人民群众的血肉联系为核心,以全面加强机关作风建设为重点,以全面提高干部素质为目标的“争创学习型机关、争当人民满意型干部”的活动,收到了群众满意、基层满意、领导满意的良好社会效果。县委、县政府充分发挥新闻媒体优势,开展群众大讨论活动,并相继制定奖惩激励措施,提高机关干部的学习积极性。“学习为本”、“终身学习”、“学用结合”和“提高学习力”的四种学习理念正逐渐形成。活动开展以来,全县组织各类培训会和学习会达3000多次,并在县级机关全面推行岗位责任制、服务承诺制、限时办结制、首问责任制、重要信访听证制、下访制、记民情日记制等制度,体察民情、了解民意、疏通民气,干群关系 Since last year, Nanxi County has carried out its work in 61 county-level agencies and over 2,000 cadres in the county centering on the flesh-and-blood ties between the party in close contact with the people and the masses, with a view to comprehensively strengthening the building of the working style of the organism so as to comprehensively improve the quality of cadres The goal of “striving for a learning organization, striving for the satisfaction of cadres,” the activities received satisfactory mass, grassroots satisfaction, the leadership satisfaction with the good social effects. The county party committee and the county government give full play to the advantage of the news media and conduct mass discussion activities, and successively set incentives and rewards and punishments to improve the enthusiasm of cadres in their study. “Learning-based ”, “lifelong learning ”, “learning combination ” and “learning power ” four kinds of learning philosophy is gradually taking shape. Since the launch of the activity, the county has organized over 3,000 training and learning sessions and conducted full implementation of job responsibility system, service commitment system, limited time system, accountability system and important letters and visits hearing system at county level Visiting system and remembering diary systems of public opinion and so on, examining the conditions of the people, understanding the public opinion, unblocking the popular culture and the relations between the cadres and the masses
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