The Reasons and Solutions of Polarizing Phenomenon in English Education in Middle School

来源 :科技信息(科学教研) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunchaojacksun
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Polarizing phenomenon in English in middle school is a difficult problem. In order to solve it, teachers need to get the essence of some instructional designs and methodologies such as “Task-Based Learning”; “Communicative Approach” and “Learning by Finding Approach”. It also requires teachers to understand the educational psychology theories on which they based. First of all, however, it is better to analyze the causes. This research focuses on the students who need help, because after all, the aim is to keep the students who fall behind up with the ones who study well. Polarizing phenomenon in English in middle school is a difficult problem. In order to solve it, teachers need to get the essence of some instructional designs and methodologies such as “Task-Based Learning.” “Communicative Approach” and “Learning by Finding Approach” It also requires teachers to understand the educational psychology theories on which they based. First of all, however, it is better to analyze the causes. This research focuses on the students who need help, because after all, the aim is to keep the students who fall behind up with the ones who study well.
编者按:  德国《演艺活动安全保障白皮书》由作者马丁·莱贝尔根据德国法律相关规定编写,说明演出活动的职责、责任、责任构成、责任履行及相关事项,用以明确演艺活动中与安全保障有关的法律责任,在德国剧院、电视台、展览和演出公司的从业者中,有着广泛的影响。本文由中国演艺设备技术协会组织翻译,本刊编辑刊发,以期为业内人士提供参考。  前言  这本《演艺活动安全保障白皮书》介绍演艺活动中与安全保障有关的法律责
为探讨顺铂 +氟尿嘧啶联合放射治疗晚期食管癌的疗效。本科于 1992— 1993年对不宜手术治疗的 96例晚期食管癌病例 ,随机分组进行比较研究。一组 48例采用顺铂 +氟尿嘧啶联合