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案例简介:1987年,王某、张某、钟某三人合伙承包了生产队鱼塘,承包期三年。三人推选王某为合伙承包负责人,商定钟某为固定养护员,王某、张某因为还从事其他行业,决定有事三人随时商定,无事钟某一人照看,盈亏均摊。承包后,因急需资金买鱼苗,合伙向信用社贷款6000元,期限为三年还清本息,分别记在三个人的名下,即每人贷款2000元。三年后共收入16000元,除上交承包费14000元,扣除其它日常杂费几乎没有赚下钱。贷款期限已满,信用社催三人还贷。钟某家境贫寒,三年的承包经营中他出力最大,常年管护鱼塘,占去了时间和大部分精力,却与王某、张某均衡分利,认为极不合理,要求王某、张某二人必须合理计酬,把问题解决了再还贷款,王某、张某二人由于养鱼之外,兼营农副产品贩运,有偿还能力。但他们认为这 Case Description: In 1987, Wang, Zhang, Zhong three people contracted the production team fish ponds, contract period of three years. Three people choose Wang as the contract leader, agreed Zhong as a fixed caretaker, Wang, Zhang because they are also engaged in other industries, the three decided to keep things at any time agreed, without incident a bell, profit and loss equally. After the contracting, due to the urgent need of funds to buy fry, the partnership lent to the credit cooperatives 6,000 yuan, a period of three years to repay principal and interest, respectively, recorded in the name of three people, that is, 2,000 yuan loan per person. After three years, a total income of 16,000 yuan, with the exception of the contract fee paid 14,000 yuan, after deducting other daily incidental expenses almost did not earn money. Loan period has expired, the credit union reminded three repay the loan. Zhongmou poor family, three years of contracted management, he contributed the most, perennial management and protection of fish ponds, took up time and most of the energy, but with Wang, Zhang a balanced distribution, that is extremely unreasonable, asked Wang, Zhang two people must be reasonable remuneration, the problem is solved and then repay the loan, Wang, Zhang two due to fish, 兼营 agricultural and sideline products trafficking, have the ability to repay. But they think this
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