
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq147662
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我县位于长江中游,四面为江、河、湖泊围绕、中、小湖泊星布全县,是一个平原的湖沼地带,是既怕渍,又怕晕,湖荒草地多的地区。解放前地主恶霸为了争夺柴草湖泊的所有权,经常煽动群众进行械斗。解放后,经过清匪反霸,土地改革,这种封建剥削阶级所煽动的械斗虽已绝迹,但是少数群众历史上宗族仇恨的残余并宋完全根除。公社化后,由于集体范围的扩大,使某些小集体之间的利害矛盾消 My county is located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, surrounded by rivers, lakes, surrounded by small lake XingBu county, is a plains lake lakes, is afraid of stains, but also afraid of halo, lake grassland and more areas. Before the liberation of the landlord bully in order to compete for the ownership of firewood lakes, often incite the masses to engage in combat. After the liberation, despite the disappearance of the bandits seduced by the anti-tyrants, the land reform and the feudal exploiting class of the Qing bandits, the remnants of hatred of the ethnic minorities in the history of the minority and the complete eradication of the Song by the Song people. After the communalization, due to the expansion of the collective sphere, conflicts of interest between certain small groups were eliminated
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凌波不过横塘路,但目送、芳尘去。  锦瑟华年谁与度?月台花榭,琐窗朱户,只有春知处。  碧云冉冉蘅皋暮,彩笔新题断肠句。  试问闲愁都几许?一川烟草,满城风絮,梅子黄时雨。  [【品读】]  这首词通过对暮春景色的描写,抒发作者所感到的“闲愁”。上阕写情深不断,相思难寄;下阕写由情生愁,愁思纷纷。全词虚写相思之情,实抒悒悒不得志的“闲愁”。立意新奇,能兴起人们无限想象,为当时传诵的名篇。“凌波微步
被告人黄孟祥,男,现年23岁,学生成份,初中文化,捕前系省建四公司三队学徒工。死者朱贵祥,男,23岁, Defendant Huang Mengxiang, male, 23 years old, student composition,
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