Direct fitting measurement of gas content in coalbed and selection of reasonable sampling time

来源 :International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnunicomlxq
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In this study, we selected 9 typical coal samples with different metamorphic grades as the study subjects,measured their initial 30-min gas desorption at 30℃ and different pressure using a self-developed gas adsorption/desorption device. Based on the characteristics of gas desorption from coal samples, we proposed a direct fitting method for measurement of gas content in coalbed, analyzed the effects of sampling time on the measurement results and determined the reasonable sampling time of coal samples with different metamorphic grades at different gas adsorption pressure at equilibrium. The results show that (1)the error of gas contents obtained using the direct fitting method relative to that obtained using indirect method is less than 10%, which meets the actual on-site requirements and verifies the feasibility of the direct fitting method;(2) when the relative error is controlled within ±10%, the reasonable sampling time of coal samples is linearly related to the gas adsorption pressure at equilibrium;(3) the reasonable sampling time of coal samples with the same metamorphic grade exhibits a shortening trend with increasing gas adsorption pressure at equilibrium;(4) for coal samples with similar gas adsorption pressure at equilibrium, the reasonable sampling time of coal samples displays a shortening trend with increasing metamorphic grade. Overall, the study provides a basis for improving the measurement accuracy of gas content in coalbed. In this study, we selected 9 typical coal samples with different metamorphic grades as the study subjects, measured their initial 30-min gas desorption at 30 ° C and different pressure using a self-developed gas adsorption / desorption device. Based on the characteristics of gas desorption from coal samples, we proposed a direct fitting method for measurement of gas content in coalbed, analyzed the effects of sampling time on the measurement results and determined the reasonable sampling time of coal samples with different metamorphic grades at different gas adsorption pressure at equilibrium. The results show that (1) the error of gas contents obtained using the direct fitting method relative to that obtained using indirect method is less than 10%, which meets the actual on-site requirements and verifies the feasibility of the direct fitting method; ( 2) when the relative error is controlled within ± 10%, the reasonable sampling time of coal samples is linearly related to the gas adsorption pressure at equilibrium; (3) the reasonable sampling time of coal samples with the same metamorphic grade exhibits a shortening trend with increasing gas adsorption pressure at equilibrium; (4) for coal samples with similar gas adsorption pressure at equilibrium, the reasonable sampling time of coal samples displays a shortening trend with increasing metamorphic grade. Overall, the study provides a basis for improving the measurement accuracy of gas content in coalbed.
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日前,有媒体记者在广东省韶关市曲江区的一次会议上看到,会场最后两排的座位前立着两块“迟到席”的牌子。据悉,这是曲江区为治理“会议迟到、早退、打瞌睡”这3种弊病所出的“创新三招”中的一“招”,而另外两招是“会风监督员”和“离开会场请登记”。  其实,设会议“迟到席”并非曲江区首创。2008年5月,陕西省汉中市出台10项工作制度,其中包括以市政府名义召开的会议增设“迟到席”。  确实,会风问题是个大问
一、选钓位 鳊鱼喜欢成群在水层比较洁净、含氧量高、底层有泥沙碎石的水域游荡觅食,所以,选择钓位,应选在水草稀疏、水域较深处打窝聚鱼。窝内有鳊鱼时能接二连三地上鱼。