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近年来,九龙坡区坚持开展干部下访群众工作,切实维护群众合法权益,极大地促进了全区社会和谐稳定,为全区经济发展提供了良好的社会环境。仅2013年,中央、市交办九龙坡区的15件重点信访案件全部办结,办结率100%;市交办的39件疑难信访案件办结率94.87%,全区副处级以上领导干部下访达5511人次,全区干部接访下访受理的信访问题6357件,解决问题6182件,化解率97.25%。 In recent years, Jiulongpo District has persisted in carrying out cadres’ work in appealing to the masses and earnestly safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the masses, which has greatly promoted the social harmony and stability in the region and provided a favorable social environment for the economic development in the region. In 2013 alone, 15 major cases of letters and visits by the Central Government and the municipal government in Jiulongpo District were closed with a rate of completion of 100%. The settlement rate of 39 cases of handling petty letters and cases handled by the municipal government was 94.87%, and under the leadership of the deputy department level and above Visits amounted to 5511 person-times, the district cadres received 6357 petition visits and petitions, to solve the problem of 6182 pieces, the resolution rate of 97.25%.
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